Pepsi Ultimate Super Bowl Party Pack Winner!
Congratulations to Angie from Angie Says! I have emailed you! Thank you so much to everyone for entering! View Post
The Personal Blog of a Gen X Mom.
Congratulations to Angie from Angie Says! I have emailed you! Thank you so much to everyone for entering! View Post
Do you remember the episode from Cosby where Claire and Cliff both come down with the flu and have to leave the oldest kids in charge? The kids start abusing their power and making the other kids do undesirable chores and things like that. The View Post
It's been tough to get back into the routine of blogging since the Christmas holidays. (I know. You could hardly tell from ALL of my interesting, thought provoking posts since the end of December, right?) I also got sucked right smack into Facebook View Post
CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED We all know that the Super Bowl is THE biggest game in football each year, but part of the fun is getting together with family and friends and sharing party snacks. Pepsi would like to give one lucky Mommy Cracked reader the View Post
If all parents were completely honest I think almost every one of them would admit to wishing they'd see a little of themselves in their children. When we found out I was carrying a boy, I still held out hope that even though we wouldn't be playing View Post
OK, so it's actually Saturday night...but it's almost midnight here! I ran across two very excellent blog posts this week and they were just too great not to share. The Gift- Smockity Frocks Of Pearls and Swine- Don Mills Diva You're View Post
I've noticed that a number of the authors of some of the great blogs that I read have posted their New Year's resolutions and big plans for revamping their blogs and blog designs. I'll be the first to admit I don't have a problem at all with blog View Post
Despite the fact that on Christmas Eve I was still running around like a crazy woman while finishing up the last minute details, we had an amazing Christmas. Just seeing E.B. get so excited over everything about Christmas just absolutely made it such View Post
We've been curled up watching movies for the past few nights and one we are enjoying is Beethoven's Big Break, the latest in the Beethoven series. Beethoven's Big Break was just released yesterday, December 26. Although animal handler Eddie View Post
I recently had the pleasure of getting a sneak peek at a fellow blogger and Young Adult Christian Fiction author Rene' Morris' new book titled Summer Secrets, the first book in her new series Sonshine Girls. A new girl, Kristin, comes to town, and a View Post