The Difference
FYI:If you happen to call a Christian bookstore to ask if they have this particular book in stockIt's a Vine's EXPOSITORY.NOT a Vine's SUPPOSITORY.M'kay? Thanks. View Post
The Personal Blog of a Gen X Mom.
FYI:If you happen to call a Christian bookstore to ask if they have this particular book in stockIt's a Vine's EXPOSITORY.NOT a Vine's SUPPOSITORY.M'kay? Thanks. View Post
It started out innocent enough. My younger cousin and I were on a mission to find a nice pair of clear shoes to wear with our bridesmaid dresses for her wedding. Simple enough, right? I mean, after all, we were only looking for something like View Post
My last post about our terrible, horrible no good very bad week was pretty pathetic, right?I'm happy to report some good did come out of this week at home with E.B. We finally ventured outside Wednesday and washed down all of the outside toys and I View Post
I had big plans. A whole week off. E.B. and I were going to paint and color, swim, work in the yard, go to the park. Our whole entire week was going to rival those commercials I've been seeing that depict the happy mother and child making Rice View Post
When you're having lunch at the local university where your grandmother works and there is a junior high cheerleading camp taking place, walk up and charm the socks off of the cheerleading coach and watch all of the little cheerleaders flock to you. View Post
I've had a great time getting to know some of the bloggers who frequent Momdot and they have put together a great big blogroll of blogs. If you are looking for some new blogs to read, consider checking some of these out. View Post
"It's Spike! The Ultra Dinosaur! He can talk....and he can ROAR!!!""Light up shoes. By Sketchers.""Benda-who...benda-what?...It's bendaroos!"E.B has hit the stage where he is now repeating every commercial that catches his attention on TV. At any View Post
I came across this birdhouse kit when I hit the artsy-fartsy motherlode a few days ago, and I had to laugh, and not just because it was made from quality wood (*cough*$1.99*cough).This little gem was practically vintage because it was purchased at View Post
Have you ever decided to go through all of the junk you've accumulated over the years and hit a minor jackpot to help you keep your sanity intact while your child is out of school for the summer? I finally got around to going through some plastic View Post
After E.B.'s little end of the year ceremony at school last week, his grandparents and I took him to a local gardener's place where we got to see some farm animals and check things out.A large pond greets you as you enter and a makeshift Noah's Ark View Post
I almost feel slightly ashamed for not updating my blog as often I usually do, but I've finally found MY show. All year long it seems like everyone has been obsessed with Dancing With The Stars, American Idol, Lost, and House. While I've watched View Post