Good Wednesday to you! I thought I’d update what’s going on around here. It’s nothing spectacular, I promise! But I’m glad it’s February because January seemed to last a year! Haha!
My mama made it through her cancer removal surgery just fine. She has a gnarly scar on her face and scalp, but it is healing up nicely, and she should get her stitches out next week. Then, it’s back to the plastic surgeon for him to check her wound and then back to her dermatologist to look her over again. She also has a routine heart doctor appointment, so February is busy with her appointments.
I’ve been doing some reading! One thing I intended for this new year was to get back to reading regularly, which has helped me productively pass a lot of time. These are the books I read in January:
Welcome to the Garden Club: A NovelGlamorous Notions: A NovelThe Rules of Fortune: A Novel
I highly recommend all three! I’m deep into another novel already! I usually read a lot of non-fiction, so these have been a nice change of pace.
I’ve also been bird-watching in my backyard. I have a little cardinal couple that I am just crazy about! I see them every morning, along with the blue jays, mockingbirds, sparrows, and blackbirds. I also saw a red finch this morning, a bird I’ve never noticed before! I was excited because I initially thought it was a baby cardinal, but it was a baby red finch getting his wing practice in. I’m so glad we have Google so I can look up these birds! I wish I had pictures to share, but it’s been so dreary and foggy here that all of the shots I get of them in the tree don’t show their colors. If I pull my phone out while they are on the ground, they get scared and fly off. Obviously, that is not my picture above.
I also did our taxes, and ughhhhh! I don’t understand all the ins and outs because I’m not a CPA, but it wasn’t a pleasant experience, and I’m just glad that’s over with!
I’ve also been enjoying the false spring we are having! Almost 70-degree days, and I can’t believe I was boohooing about our heater going out a couple of weeks ago because now I am running the air conditioner! It’s not surprising at all, but it is a little crazy! I know all too well that there will be another sharp turn of the weather, and we will be freezing again soon enough! I’m enjoying every second of it, though!
And that’s about it so far! I’m behind again on blog reading, but I’m getting there! I hope you are having a good week, and I would love to hear what you’ve been up to!
Image by Megan Zopf from Pixabay
Happy to hear your mom surgery went well. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead, smiles.
Yay for answered prayers for your Momma’s health! I’m so glad everything is okay. And look at you being a bookworm. I’ve only read 1 book for the year so far and I have far better intentions for Feb though.
I’m so jealous of your lovely warm weather. That sounds heavenly as I watch snow swirl in my windows! Lol Blessings on the rest of your week. xoxo
Awesome news on your mom’s surgery. I love that bird picture! It’s so colorful.
Could not agree more on the taxes. I am mostly done with mine, but the severance I received was taxed at a different rate than my previous income, so that was a nasty little surprise. Yikes!
Glad the surgery was a success. I so love cardinals – I have several pair come each morning and evening – they are just so pretty. AC? What??? Oh my, it will be May or June before I even think about that!
Glad to hear your Mom’s surgery went well and now praying she heals quickly!
Your weather sounds lovely! We have another snow/ice storm predicted tonight, but at least it’s February and Spring will be coming!
My hubby has had some surgery on the face. He was very concerned he wouldn’t have one side of his nose left but I was absolutely amazed at how well they were able to reconstruct all that little stuff. It is not fun at all. He is a regular attender to the dermatologist with his pale skin.
I will check out your books. I am needing to get back into my reading groove as well.
I am loving the weather. IT can skip the return to cool which we know it will do.
My sister had some intense surgery on her face for cancer last fall, but she is fine now. I hope your mother’s healing goes well, too. I am making note of the books you’re recommending. I’m always looking for a good read.
I am so glad that your Mama’s surgery went well and I hope the recovery and follow up visits go well, too. I’m glad you’ve been enjoying some reading and birdwatching. I love to see the birds that visit my garden, but, I, too, can’t get good pictures of them.