Besides having the cutest packaging ever (have you ever seen such cute water bottles?), WAT-AHH! is the first 100% sugar-free, functional beverage brand designed especially for kids. However, this mama thinks it’s pretty amazing stuff, too.
We are not big water drinkers. I know, I know. We definitely need to start drinking more water. The WAT-AAH! water was crisp and refreshing and comes in 4 different formulas (Bones, Body, Brain, and Energy) that contain just the right amount of minerals to fortify and maintain children’s health.
My son was thoroughly impressed with the bottles, because nothing says “cool” to a 4 year old like a screaming kid, and the clever packaging also encouraged him to try the water, which he would always balk at otherwise.
WAT-AHH! is only available in stores in just a handful of states at the moment, BUT you can purchase it online at
stacey says
since i started buying emergen-c (pink lemonade) my kids think drinking "water" is great! i just split a packet between them every day.