I don’t exactly recall when The Weather Channel started naming winter storms, but I am so happy to report that we survived Winter Storm Iago here in the Mississippi Delta. The sleet started close to lunch on Monday and was coming down pretty good, so school let out early. By the time the kids were all gone and I had made it to my my car, it looked a little something like this on my windshield:
It wasn’t such a bad ride home (36 miles). Naturally, I made a stop to the store for the essentials (bread and milk), picked up the kid at my parent’s house (his school got out early, also) and headed home to prepare to celebrate like a true Southerner when it snows. Which looks like this:
Only? That didn’t happen. When we woke up Tuesday, it was still a little icy out, but the roads were clear and school was NOT called off (darn!!!), so back we went to work and school.
Until…..the sleet started coming down really good again close to lunch, so they turned school out early again (whoop! whoop!) and the ride home from work was really scary. The roads had already iced over pretty good and what should have been a 30 minute drive took me a little over an hour. However, the kid’s school was still in session, so I was able to pick him up. Here’s the view from the carpool line:
So, I just KNEW we would be out of school on Wednesday, and I wasn’t able to sleep well at all that night. I woke up at 5 AM to check for school cancellations and was sorely disappointed to find that no, we were STILL going to school. Apparently, the roads were fine. So off we went. The ice started melting during the day and that was the end of our big ice storm.
Thursday? Everyone SOUTH of us got the snow. Grrrrr!!!
Of course, I would have much rather had a day or two off for a “snow day”, but we had a really, really bad ice storm back in 1994 (no power for 2 weeks!!), so I am thankful that we didn’t lose power and it wasn’t worse than what it was. Also, since we went to school 60% of those two days, we don’t have to make up any days.
Hahaha! Trust me when I tell you that snow isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but I suppose if we only got it once in a blue moon I would be excited about it, too!