I found myself in a yucky place mentally yesterday. Each time I walked by our pantry I started second-guessing my shopping choices. Did I buy enough groceries? Do we have enough food? Should I have bought more? Each time I used a paper towel or toilet paper, I wondered if we were using too much. What will happen if we can’t get more? Are my home and family ready for this? Each time I visited social media it seemed like more bad news, business closures, and cancellations. My cell phone was blowing up from text messages from co-workers and friends passing along the latest. I had a horrible tension headache all day long. My shoulders were tense. My mind was preoccupied with worrying about all of the “what-ifs”.
After supper last night I decided to take a hot bath. It really helped me relax and shift my mindset. I prayed about things and I also ran across some very inspiring blog posts and social media shares about finding the good in this situation and making the best of what we have. I had to remind myself that the good Lord knew every single one of my days before I was born. This is not a surprise to Him, even though it is to me. I just have to trust and obey.
Today marked the first official day my son and I found ourselves with school and work canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have actually been home all last week, but it was Spring Break. We woke up to a chilly, cloudy morning. I honestly wanted to stay hunkered down in bed. However, I got up. I had my morning coffee and breakfast. I washed and dried a load of clothes. I checked on my mom and grandmother. After lunch, my son and I went for a walk around our neighborhood. The sun was shining and it felt absolutely amazing to get some fresh air.
Right now, especially if you have children home from school, you are probably being absolutely bombarded with how to keep them occupied, a million links to educational resources, printable schedules for them to adhere to and so much more. You may be feeling like you have to pack a million little things into your days now.
If your child needs to do work remotely, by all means, get it done. Just don’t feel like you have to spend the entire day doing school work. I’ve decided that my son will be doing his work, but we will also be using this time to do a little resetting here. We will continue our walks. We will continue to check on friends and family. We will slow down and savor this time at home. I have to admit before this happened I was feeling very overwhelmed and stressed at work. I was still trying to get over having the flu and pneumonia all within a two weeks span. It seemed like life was just charging full speed ahead with no brakes. I was emotional, irritated, and very discouraged in my work. This pause is giving me time to restore my health, my physical and emotional well-being, and providing my family with some quality time together.
I know this time at home won’t be all sunshine and roses. I’m sure by the end of the week we may be climbing the walls. I’m just thankful I can be home with my son and I don’t take that for granted as many families are scrambling for daycare and having to make some tough choices.
Mandy Sue, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. How wild is it that your name is the same as my mischievous little doll! I named her Amanda Suzanna but my sister shortened it to Mandy Sue on a comment and that just stuck. (that was years ago). It’s a cute name, but please do not take offense when my little miss gets sassy.
I began reading your blog posts at the current one where you were reporting on the progress of your seedlings and then read backwards. Your recipes look great. I’ve copied the one for Cabbage Soup, Taco Soup and John Wayne Casserole.
I also enjoyed reading how you are coping with this season of incarceration. Hopefully this will improve in the near future (it’s April 29 as I type this).
Hi Mandy! I have come to “meet” you after you left a comment on my blog a week (or two?) ago and I have taken some time to nose around your blog for a bit. So now I do feel like I know you a little!
Blessings to you as you navigate these days of COVID-19. It is overwhelming at times, trying to keep up with all of the changes that occur daily . . . and yes, wondering if we have enough toilet paper! But it’s one day at a time and His daily grace!
Stay safe, I have a lot of the same concerns. Maybe it’s a good thing that we are conscious of waste all the time not just now.
I hear you loud and clear. I guess it’s all just day by day…be well.
Glad you are taking this time to reset. I, too, have been wondering if I did enough, but, I need to shelter-in-place now, so, whatever I have done will have to suffice!