It has been two weeks since I posted. Yikes! I just hadn’t realized it. Nothing earth-shattering was going on. I have just been slacking a bit. My attention has been bouncing around, and focusing on things has been tough. But, I’m heeeerrrreeee!!
I still haven’t pulled out my fall decor, but I hope to do that this week. About all I have done is purchase this fall candle.
I’m sad to report that I am a little disappointed with this purchase. I didn’t even look at the label good, and once I fired it up, I realized it was a soy candle. I don’t know what it is that I dislike about soy candles. Also, it smelled weird while burning, unlike before I burned it. I purchased it at Bealls, so it wasn’t a lot of money, but I hate it when this happens. I’ll probably end up donating it because I haven’t burned much at all of it. I have my fall candles packed away, so I’ll just go with one of those.
College Updates
Last Thursday, I went to pick up the Teen from college (he was getting out early because it was homecoming). I got the grand tour of the shop area where he will be learning, and I got to see all of the machines. I wasn’t expecting that, but it made me feel so much better to see where he will spend a lot of time as he progresses in his studies. He is studying precision manufacturing and machining technology. From their website:
Precision Manufacturing & Machining Technology instructs its students in making computations relating to working dimensions, tooling, feeds, and machinery speeds. Instruction in the laboratory is provided in the use of lathes, shapers, milling machines, and grinders; the use of precision measuring instruments such as layout tools, micrometers, and gauges; methods of machining and heat treating and testing of various metals; and the reading of blueprint parts. Advanced training is available in technical mathematics, mechanical drawing, industrial psychology, safety, and shop management.
His instructor is a man who worked with my daddy for many, many years, and I know The Teen is in great hands. He told us that The Teen is one of his best students and was so excited that he was going into the same thing my daddy did for so many years. My daddy worked at Baxter International as a machinist in the molding department. He retired from there after 42 years and was a good, hard worker. The Teen also has a friend of mine from high school in his class. When I visited, I saw and caught up with this friend. My friend is taking these classes after he gets off his shift at Baxter to learn how to use even more machines and learn some new skills.
I will also add that if my daddy were still here, he would be so surprised that The Teen chose this for his studies. It makes me a little sad that he isn’t here to help guide him along through this and give him some helpful pointers.
We had a relatively low-key weekend. Hubby and The Teen went over to my mama’s house and helped her hang some curtains and do some other odd jobs for her. Hubby cleaned my kitchen window for me (yay and hallelujah!) and did some repair work on our fence gate. I spent most of the weekend doing laundry and reading. Jake was happy to try to assist with emptying the dishwasher.
He’s such a turkey bird!! I’ve also been utilizing my library more. I’ve been twice so far in the last week and a half and have enjoyed checking out physical books again. I love looking through the online card catalog and choosing some before I go so I can just pick them off the shelf. I also got squared away with their online checkout system and can’t wait to see what’s available through ebooks.
Health Update
I’m trying to think about whether I am leaving anything else out. Oh, we did have a doctor’s appointment with the endocrinologist last Monday and had to make a drive for that. She called us back Thursday with the results, and besides horrible cholesterol and a little vitamin D on the lower end, I got a pretty good report. My A1c was doing well at 7.3, much better than the awful numbers I used to get in the past (like 9, 10, and even an 11 once). She decided to keep my insulin dose the same, and I was pretty pleased. But she called me back yesterday with another update about some bloodwork, and I’ll probably make a separate post about that. It’s nothing bad, but I have much to say about it. Haha!
I’m Behind. Again.
I let myself get behind with blog reading and responding these past couple of weeks. I haven’t had much energy; things just seemed hectic, and little fires were popping up one after another. I’m mentally exhausted, and what’s going on in the world just doesn’t help my state of mind most days. I try to curate a peaceful home, but sometimes, the outside world barges in through social media or a news alert on my phone. I’m sure you know what I mean. But, I’m working on that.
I’ll leave you with something funny I saw on Facebook.
I sent this to my mom, and she cracked up! She said she knew she was a little overbearing at times but didn’t think she was that bad, and I assured her she wasn’t. It was just amusing, and Toy Story is my very favorite animated film.
I hope your week is off to a great start, and I hope to be back with another post this week!
Glad to hear that your blood test results were good. Sounds like your son has some great instructors. You take it easy and take care of yourself. Post as and when you can.
Good to hear that your blood work wasn’t really bad. Your A1C is great. I’ve had mine up in the 9s and hopefully I can get it down to your level. I’m glad your Teen is enjoying his studies and that his instructor is someone you all know.
I am so happy to see you post, my friend. I had my bloodwork done and see the dr. on the 11th. She never really says anything about it, last time my water intake was very low, and she did tell me to drink more water. So, I quit drinking soda and have been soda free for nearly 2 months. We shall see…. wishing you a beautiful Saturday. smiles
Time gets away from me, too when it comes to blogging…posting, reading, commenting. I think now that the cooler weather has shown up, and I’ll be inside more, I’ll be getting back to it on a more regular basis. It’s a nice distraction from the state of the world, as you said. With your good report and your son in school and the library, among other things, it sounds like you have a lot of nice distractions as well. Oh and when Jake is done, if you could send him to my house that would be awesome…my dishwasher needs to be emptied now, too!
As a Grandma, I can say the dinosaur thing is true!
I love that the Teen has that instructor. Your Dad would be happy and proud!
I know what you mean about the outside getting in. It’s hard to avoid right now.
Great news that your blood work looks good! I was all excited to hear about the candle, so bummed on your behalf that you didn’t enjoy. I think it’s awesome that your son is learning a hands on skill that he’s excited about, and even better that he’s in great hands!
Glad you got a good report. I know life is busy and it is good to just be present with life. Hope you get some rest physically and mentally!
Sure is a small world isn’t it? Neat how the class teachers are acquaintances. Some things are just to happen.
I’m so happy to hear that you got a good report at the MD! We’re unfortunately at the age where we have to work on all these things.
I need to dig out my Fall candles and decorations! I can’t believe I haven’t done that yet….but it’s been an extra special crazy Autumn here as you know. Lol
It’s always nice, as Momma’s, to get to see our kiddos worlds first hand. I know it helped me to go see Annie’s and know she’s doing great down there.
Love your funny!!!! Blessings to you xoox
Hello there! I’m so happy to see you here and to read that you had some good bloodwork news! I’m also working on my cholesterol and think I will be forever! How nice for you to see the place where your son spends his days! And how awesome is it that he is following in your father’s footsteps?? I join you in trying to create the most peaceful home we can, especially now in this crazy time. Have a cozy afternoon, my friend. It is looking like fall here today!