Welcome to Toni Taddeo’s Tuesday 4 kept up in her memory.
Thanks to Annie and Pamela for today’s questions! You can join in HERE.
Tuesday 4
This week the questions were supplied by Pamela Steiner… Here we go, let’s talk about Blogging!
1. Tell us about your blog. When did you start blogging?
I started blogging in 2008. At the time I was a stay-at-home mom to a two-year-old (who is now 16) and I read a lot of blogs. I thought it might be fun to try, so I jumped in! I started out on Blogger and my blog was just a “mom blog”. I blogged about our everyday life, funny things that happened, and really anything that crossed my mind without being controversial.
2. What prompted you to begin blogging?
I love to write. I used to write when I was younger and I missed that. Blogging seemed like the perfect way to get back into the practice of writing.
3. What was your first blog about and why did you choose that subject/title?
I wrote about one of my least favorite things…The Hi-Ho Cherry-O game ( you can read it here). Ha! It was part of a blogging carnival, like this post. My aunt and I were talking that day about how she couldn’t wait to buy my son some annoying toys because that’s what I used to give HER kids when they were younger. I guess I just took the idea and ran with it in a post.
4. How has your blog changed over time, and has it done for you what you hoped it would do in the first place?
Wow. When I think about my blog and how it has evolved, it amazes me. A few years ago I was making pretty much a part-time income with my blog and got to participate in some AMAZING blog campaigns for companies like Maytag, Keurig, Proctor & Gamble and so many more. I had an absolute blast doing those and my blog has exceeded my wildest expectations when I think back about it all.
But now? I no longer fit the “cool, young, beautiful, curated everything Instagram mom” demographic. I’m almost 47 years old and those opportunities have all but dried up. However, I still LOVE to blog and write. I’m now just writing about what I want to write about. It’s perfect for this season of my life.
Ok, second try in commenting, lol…thank you for visiting my blog and I am just giggling over the last thought…because I will add, I am no longer cool, beautiful, young or even (adding) hip, LOLOL.
I enjoyed reading about your blog, Mandy. This is the second post I’ve read on this topic. I think the first one was on Martha’s blog. I’ll have to join in on the fun soon.
I hope you have a terrific weekend.
Wow, your blog has been on an adventure! I love that!
Hi Kim! Yes, it was a wild ride and fun while it lasted. Your blog is just so cute! I smile every time I visit.
Hi Mandy! Thank you for joining in our Tuesday 4 questions this week. It is so much fun to meet other people here in “blogland”, and to learn about why they love to blog. I enjoyed reading your post about the Hi-Ho! Cherry-o game. I had never ever heard of that game, and am thankful my kids never did either! Ha Ha! My kids are long grown but I bet I would still be finding those little cherries if we had ever had that game. I think some sadistic person must sit somewhere thinking up games to drive mothers crazy! LOL. This was fun and it’s great to get to know you. I hope you will come visit more often now that you know where “I live”, and vice versa. Have a blessed day.
I will absolutely be visiting you regularly! I’m so glad you stopped by! And yay for dodging the Hi-Ho-Cherry-O bullet! Haha!
Hi Mandy, nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping off at my blog. I agree, we have to blog for us. I actually wrote and page on the seasons of our life at my website. I really need to get those special pages printed out. I will eventually have to give up my website. I have to pay for the hosting service and for my domain name. But for now I refer to it when I have to do the memes!
I would love to read that post, Susan. I sure hope you can keep your blog around for a while. I enjoy reading it!
I was a stay at home mom in my 20’s when I started my blogging adventure. We have met some great people though haven’t we? Loved your answers! Have a nice week.
Yes, meeting so many great people online has definitely made blogging so much more fun! Time sure does fly!
I enjoyed reading about your blogging journey today. I started earlier but it sounds like some of our blogging experiences were similar. I guess blogging evolves with as in different phases and stages of life. It was nice meeting you today. I hope you’ll join me on some of the 30 day challenges.
Thanks for stopping by Martha! I’m sitting here drooling over your pasta salad post! Haha! What a great meal idea for these hot days!