Hello and welcome back to Toni Taddeo’s Tuesday 4, a fun linkup in memory of its original creator Toni Taddeo, and hosted by Ann at Cottage By The Sea
The “Ber” months have begun: September, October, November, and December. Let’s talk about September, okay?
1. When you were in school or university, did you look forward to returning? Why or why not?
I did look forward to returning to school when I was going through elementary, junior high, and high school. It just wasn’t as exciting for me once I started college. Perhaps because I also took summer classes, so I was in school year-round.
2. September has Labor Day, which, for many, is the signal of summer’s end and fall’s grand entrance. Do you celebrate Labor Day in any way, or is it just a day off for you?
It has mostly always been a welcomed day off from work. Now that I’m no longer working, I did spend the day working hard inside the home.
3. September’s birthstone is the Sapphire which is 2nd only to a diamond in hardness. (Ruby is a red sapphire, by the way) It comes in many colors. Do you know your birthstone, and do you like it?
My birthday is in August, and the birthstone for August is peridot. I do like it, as it is a beautiful shade of green.
4. September’s birth flower is the Astor. What is yours?
I had to go hunting on Google for this one, but the flower for August is a Gladiolus. I also think they are beautiful, having seen them many times in arrangements but not knowing the name. And now I know!
Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!
The birthstone of the month of November is the yellow topaz, so that is mine. And flower? I had to google too. The chrysanthemum is my birth flower says the internet. I love that flower. Yes.