Are you in a bad mood? Some days it just doesn’t take much at all to send a person over the edge and into a bad mood. Things happen in life beyond our control and it can set the tone, good or bad, for the rest of the day. Maybe you argued with your spouse, spilled your coffee on your work outfit, or have to deal with a nasty coworker. Spending the day in a bad mood is stressful and can affect your work performance. Here are three ways you can help yourself shake a bad mood and feel better.
Three Ways to Shake Your Bad Mood and Feel Better
Isolate Yourself
Take at least five minutes for yourself and just be alone. Sometimes it’s just very difficult to fake a happy mood in front of others or even just BE around other people. Escape outside, in your own office, even to the bathroom if you must. Once there, take some deep breaths. Make ugly faces. Do a silent scream. Even tears are alright. Just take a moment for yourself, and then pull yourself together as best you can.
Treat Yourself
Treating yourself doesn’t mean going out and spending money on something that will make you feel better. However, if that works for you, then that’s perfectly fine. In this case, treat yourself with care. You are already stressed because something has triggered this bad mood. Now is not the time to be hard on yourself. It’s perfectly alright to have a bad mood and a bad day. You might feel as if you are being ridiculous, but you are really just being human.
Write It All Out
The next time you are in a bad mood, do a brain dump on a sheet of paper and just write it all out. Write down everything that is bothering you, no matter how small it seems. Describe how it makes you feel. Just dump everything that crosses your mind in no particular order. You aren’t writing anything that will be published, so write with abandon and make mistakes. And then? Find the nearest paper shredder and shred it or tear it into tiny pieces. Sometimes it just feels better to get it all out of your head. It sounds crazy, but it works.
A bad mood might last for a few hours or a few days. The most important thing you can do for yourself is to take care of yourself until it passes.
Writing always helps me out, too, great advice. Listening to music will do it, too. Hard to frown when a good tune is playing. 🙂 Thanks so much for leaving such a nice comment on my site. I wish you the best with your bathroom redo!!
Music is absolutely awesome for shaking a bad mood! Thank you so much for stopping in!