“Operation Drop The Kid Off On The First Day Of School Without Bursting Into Tears And Having To Do The Walk Of Shame Back To My Car” went off without a hitch this morning. E.B. got up in a good mood, ate all of his breakfast and I dressed him in his tiny little uniform. He did beautifully when I dropped him off this morning. He was so excited to see his classroom, the toys, and all the new friends he will make. I even had to get his attention for a kiss and a hug goodbye.
And I didn’t even cry.
How about later? *sigh* Cute picture, by the way. He looks adorable in his uniform.
bravo to you Mommy!
That is so precious. Years ago I had to take my niece to day care and she cried and I cried. I grabbed her and took her to her Grandma’s house.
I love the picture! He looks like such a little man:) And well done for you!
What a great picture!
He looks like a little man…. 😉
What a brave little man! He looks so cute walking in his uniform.
Oh, and what a brave little mama too!!
Awe! He is growing up way too fast!
I bawled on my daughter’s first day 7 years ago, now it’s my son’s turn but he doesn’t start till Sept. 5th. Hope your little guy had a great first day!
Good for E.B.! Kids are amazing. The Bean always surprises me at how well she rolls with new things. I’m always the one who’s more anxious about it. Silly Mommy that I am!
Congratulations on making it though day 1! How did EB like it? Inquiring minds want to know 😉
So jealous that you have uniforms. They make like so much easier. Oh well.
We start kindergarten on September 3rd, with a tea for the kids in the afternoon on the 2nd. I have a strange feeling I am going to be a mess that day.
I had to choke them back myself on Monday but I manage not to go full blown tears. Maybe because Mr. Sensitivity came out with “Geeze, honey! It’s only PreK! It’s not like she’s moving to college!!” Isn’t he a softy?!
Jenni- Aww, thank you!!!
Keetha- I imagine it doesn’t get any easier, huh?
JanMary- I think your excuse is spot on!
Belle- Thank you so much. I couldn’t believe I held it together either!
Val- Thanks girl! I’m sure he will…there were sooo many toys and fun things to do in his new classroom.
Melody-Thank you. It goes by so fast…I remember holding E.B. at that age and thinking “someday” he’d be at school…and here he is!
Awwwwww!! I’m in tears! My 15 month old is not near this day, but I think of it all the time and it makes my eyes well up! What a BIG day you had today!!
Have a great time E.B.!
I’m PROUD of you…and it that isn’t the cutest picture I’ve ever seen. Look at that big boy in his uniform marching out into the great big world. I know that YOU are proud of HIM!
Wow – big day fro BOTH of you!
It’s ok for the mummy to cry you know – kind of a right of passage. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking with it! 🙂
Bless your heart. Today was a big day. This is my dear son’s second year in a public school and my heart STILL clenches up in my chest each time I see him walk away to the school building with his backpack. He looks so small.
Oh, that’s just precious!