Whose kids bounded into the door of the school with exuberance and came home telling me he LOVED being a first grader this past week? Mine! He also pulled out his other front tooth (can you guess what all we want for Christmas is?), found his missing manners he had tucked away during summer, and seems like he grew another foot taller.
I have never been one to cry while dropping him off at school, but I really wanted to this year. Of course, he’s been going to “school” now for a few years, but something about him starting first grade just feels so different to me. The homework will definitely be different, that’s for sure. He will be bringing home a binder with spelling words and sight words to learn during the week. I’m nervous for him. I hope we can get through the homework part with as few tears as possible. Because, homework? He’s just not a fan.
My first week back at work went well, also. I have smaller class sizes this year, which thrills me because I can give my students more one-on-one attention. The kindergartners are much easier to manage. I have new automation software and new lesson planning software. Besides a few kinks in the class schedule, I’m off to a pretty good start.
The days are more hectic now. Earlier to bed and earlier to rise. I’m definitely a little more stressed now, having to make sure we have homework done, household chores done, lunch prepared and packed, and on and on….but it feels good to get back into a routine.
So glad to read that everything is going well for the start of school. We do not head back until after Labor Day since we went until the last week of June. I am still in denial about my “baby” going to kindergarten and my big kid in fourth grade.
It sounds like y’all are off to a great start! I bet kindergartners can be fun. 🙂
The start of a new school year also brings me joy and more stress. But I love getting back into some kind of routine.