So after the fretting over sending my baby out into the big cruel world for the very first time (and sending him out into that world with his shorts on backwards, to boot)…..the last day of preschool finally happened on Tuesday.
We survived.
E.B.’s class gave a performance of all the songs they’ve learned all year, complete with a shoving match between the boys and we also got treated to a slideshow of the year in pictures, set to the song Tubthumping by Chumbawumba. I can assure you the sanctuary of my son’s private preschool had probably never had such lyrics played in there. I can also assure you that my husband and I had a very hard time keeping a straight face when the song reached the part about “pissing the night away”.
That is great! Stink pissed the night away two in a row. I currently have a pile of sheets in my dining room
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ha!!! that is seriously hilarious! I honestly laughed out loud (sorry, I cannot bring myself to use “lol”). straight faces are WAY over rated!
That is too funny!
Congrats on finishing off the year. I still remember your post on the first day. They certainly grow up way too quickly. Enjoy the summer
How funny! I haven’t heard that song in years, and just like back in the day . . . it is now stuck in my head. LOL.
I am hopping over from the Blog-A-Thon. I am trying to hit everyone this weekend (I have a lot of hopping to do). *hehe*
Have a wonderful and safe three day weekend!
(I am #117, #118, and #119)
Oh NO WAY!!!
Too funny! I would have fallen out of my seat laughing as so as the song started!!!
I LOVE that song.
I would think “pissing the night away” could be interpreted quite literally by a group of preschoollers….
You are so hip. I don’t even know the song or group you’re talking about.
Congrats on finishing the year!