Hello hello! I’m finally getting a chance to check in here on the blog and give the updates from the past few weeks. I have 25 working days until school is out and I am so excited for summer!
I dug out and freshened up our tablecloth for the dining room. I also filled the little white bowl with some of my favorite apples, which are Honeycrisp apples. I have really been craving them lately. However, the price of a bag has gone up to $7.99! I don’t go inside a store very often (I use the pick-up service just about every week for our groceries), but when I do I definitely have noticed things just keep getting more and more expensive. Now is a great time to stock up as you can on the things you use the most.
School Hums Along
Speaking of work, I got the best surprise this week from all of my coworkers. Last Friday was National Librarian Day and we were out on Good Friday break. When I got back to work on Tuesday, they presented me with a huge gift basket and some cash in appreciation for all I do. I was absolutely floored at their generosity! I never in a million years expected this and I was so appreciative of this blessing!
I also had another surprise in my library the week we got out for Easter. Earlier in the week, we had gotten lots and lots and lots of rain. Our school is in a very rural area among bean and cornfields. Well, after I finished my lunch on this particular day I was about to go to my storage cabinet to retrieve some paper towels when I saw THIS waiting for me underneath a library cart!!!
It was just a baby. Harmless, I’m told. I even for a few seconds thought it was a small toy rubber snake one of the kids must have dropped. However, I took a picture and quickly booked it down to the office to get some help! We have the best, bravest janitors and in no time flat Mr. P. had the snake and ushered it out back into its natural habitat. We are pretty sure all that rain must have washed it up into the school. So now whenever I go into my room I do a “snake check”. I have never seen this in my six years at this school! Just thankful no kids were in the room when it was discovered. I’m sure they would be traumatized.
In The Backyard
We also had a new addition to the backyard about three weeks ago. One of our mama kitty strays had a litter of kittens. They were all just as cute as they could be. Mama and babies have now been safely relocated to the local animal shelter while they await adoption once the kittens are weaned. I will certainly miss this mama kitty, but it really is better for her to be fixed and adopted. It sure was fun to watch these tiny babies for a little while.
That’s about all I have to report! We just keep plugging along and dreaming of the slower pace of summertime. I’m telling you, after two years of teaching through a “certain point in our time in history”, it really will be a much-needed respite. Things have really changed in our world, huh?
ICKKKKK ((screaming, grin))) in relation to that snake, grin. Summer has hit in these parts of central FL. Not sure when the schools get out, but weather wise, yeah, summer is here, grin. Have a beautiful week, my friend.