If you read posts on how to blog most of them always tell you that if you haven’t posted in a while, never start a post out apologizing for having been away so long, and don’t mention not posting regularly. Well, I’m hard-headed, so while I probably don’t need to apologize (because seriously, it isn’t that serious), I have been away a while. Sometimes life just gets really busy.
Grandmothers Are a Blessing
The biggest chunk of my time away has dealt with my grandmother breaking her hip on Mother’s Day weekend. She did well through her surgery to repair this and even completed two weeks of rehab. However, when she came home to my mama’s house (where she lived for the past 6 years), things just didn’t improve any and the past three weeks have been emotionally tough to deal with. My mama eventually had to get help in the form of hospice and sitters and my precious 95-year-old grandmother passed away last Friday. Her funeral was beautiful and she was loved so much by so many.
My grandmother and I celebrating her birthday in February.
I was so blessed to have my grandmother for 46 years (I’m telling my age). She was my last living grandparent and when that realization hit me after her funeral, it really stung. She was so kind to everyone and just a walking, living example of what a Christian should strive to be. We are all grieving her in our own way, but I’m still a little in shock that this happened at all. It’s hard to picture future family gatherings without her. I still look around for her when I go over to my mama’s house.
School Is Finally Out
In the midst of all of that, this strange, weird, LONG and exhausting school year has come to an end. I’m still a little shell-shocked from all of that, too. I am grateful that our students were able to come back to school for the last couple of months. I loved teaching them online, but having them in the library is so much better. The last few days of school were a blur because of what was happening with Maw. I was called home early on the last day of school, so I didn’t get to tell the kids goodbye, but I’ll be seeing them the first week of August. Our school year ran later this time because we started later, so my summer will be much shorter.
Right now I’m in decompression mode. I’m trying to intentionally slow it down a little and try to just be. I’m sure by next week I will get into my summer groove better. I always do so much better with a routine and schedule, so that first week off work for summer feels a little strange. However, I have several projects I’d like to accomplish around our house and, of course, the housework never stops.
I do miss blogging regularly, so hopefully I can catch up on this as well.
May peace and comfort be with you and your family as you bond together in loving memory of your grandmother. Now that the school year has met its end, I hope that the summer present many moments for relaxation.