We are busy squeezing in appointments this month! I didn’t realize so many of our appointments fell in December, but I’m glad we are getting them in before the year ends. First up, I had my cardiologist appointment last Wednesday. Here I am, patiently waiting for the doctor to see me.
My blood pressure was good. I’m not sure what my EKG looked like, but he didn’t mention it, so it must have been okay, or at least typical for me. He is giving me a referral to a rheumatologist, so I’m waiting for that appointment to be set up, but I imagine it will be sometime next year. He sent me on my way, and I have an appointment to see him again in 6 months.
Next up, hubby and I have an endocrinologist appointment to be at. We see our doctor every three months, and it’s a two-hour drive to get there. I’m anxious to see what my bloodwork looks like. Then, the Teen and I have eye doctor appointments this week and next. Whew! At least these appointments give me an excuse to get myself fixed up, hair and makeup, and regular clothes. I don’t leave the house much at all, so it’s nice to get all “gussied up” and see some new sites.
Hot Chocolate Season
It finally warmed up, but that hasn’t stopped us from consuming copious amounts of hot chocolate here!
I found these peppermint spoons at Walmart (hubby picked up our order), and they have been SO good in our hot chocolate! I’m making a note to remember to get them again next year!
Kind Of -Sort Of My Cat
We have a new visitor in our home as well. This is Beetle. Often referred to as “Beet-Beet” or Beetle Bailey.
Beet-Beet is one of our stray kitties. He was born last December, so he is a year old. One day, he helped himself into the house when I opened the back door, but I was scared to let him in because I didn’t know if he could figure out the litter box. Well, he exceeded my expectations and did! So, he is now allowed to come in and out as he pleases, much like Jake does. Since it has warmed up, he is happy to be outside at night, coming in during the day to sleep peacefully and safely under one of our couches. But, when it’s cold, he likes to be in at night. He is a sweet little fellow who loves cat toys and the Christmas tree! Haha! So far, he is just content to stay underneath it, batting at ornaments.
Christmas Shopping
I’ve done a little more Christmas shopping, but I’m still not finished. We have my mama’s side of the family’s celebration this Saturday, and I’m done with the kid gifts for that. The entire family decided a few years ago that we’d just buy Christmas for the kids, making it easy. We have party-type food, so I’m bringing cocktail meatballs and whatever else my mama needs me to get. I’ll spend time at her house this week, ensuring everything is how she wants it before the company comes. I’m still behind on buying for the other side of my family. And my immediate family! It’s crunch week, for sure!
Hope you all have a wonderful start to your week!
Hope all your medical appointments go well and the results are all good. Your new addition to the household looks cute (what can be seen of him, anyway!) Yum! Hot chocolate! I need to add that to my next grocery order!
It sounds like so many appointments, but nice to get them done by the end of the year. I hope all is okay and maybe y’all can find some new to you restaurants and stores while you are out on your adventures. Have a good week and good luck finishing shopping!
Looking so pretty dear Mandy! We’re trying to squeeze in all Annie’s appt and check-ups while she’s home from college too. Your new furry baby looks so sweet and reminds me of our Bubba.
Blessings to you.
Aww, thank you, Carrie! And yes, Beet-Beet does look like Bubba! I always enjoy your Bubba pictures! I’m glad Annie can get those appointments in while she is home. I know having her home is going to be super wonderful!
Yay for good appointments! And Yay for checking them off! You look beautiful, my friend. Enjoy your Christmas celebrations.
Thank you, Billie Jo! Once these appointments are checked off, I can finally settle into the Christmas spirit and holidays!
Crunch week is right! I have several more things to get, too. Glad your appointments went well and you look lovely! It’s nice to have a reason to get dressed, up and out, I agree. We spend far too much time huddled in the house in our sweats when winter shows up. Love those peppermint spoons! I need to go check them out.
Thank you, Kim! Yes, every year, I swear I am going to be on my game and done before the countdown is really on, and then I don’t! Haha! I work best under pressure! Hope you can get it all done, too!
Glad your cardiology appt went well. I’ve had lots of doctor appts lately too, and am glad to be getting those out of the way! I hate that you have such a drive to endocrinology. We’re very lucky that we have lots of doctors just 30 minutes from us.
The peppermint spoons sounds so good!
Enjoy your Christmas parties!
Thanks, Mari! Yes, you are so fortunate to live near your doctors! Our area of the state is really lacking in specialists. We joke that we might someday have to move near our doctors because we have to travel there so much, but it’s honestly true! We may not be able to make those long drives someday! I hope y’all are having a great start to the week!