Happy Spring Break week! Except for a few appointments, life is not very interesting here, so I’m afraid today’s post may be a little boring. I was just reading BillieJo’s post about not having much to blog about, and it really resonated! Haha! But I have some free time and felt the need to post. So, here we are!
Some Pretty Things
Yesterday, on my way to my infusion appointment, hubby and I were stopped at a red light next to the local university. The tulips were in bloom and looked gorgeous, so I snapped a pic! I have always meant to plant some around our yard and always forget. I need to research that and get it marked on my calendar for next year.
Infusion Time
I had my second iron infusion yesterday, and this will hopefully be the last one. My appointment was at 11, and they served me lunch, which I wasn’t expecting. So, I sat there like a queen, eating lunch and watching a Hallmark movie. Haha! Hubby waited for me because I didn’t trust myself to drive afterward because of the Benadryl they give you before they start the iron. My endocrinologist called me while I was getting the infusion and told me that my blood sugar was still too high, so she recommended starting fast-acting insulin once a day in the morning, along with my other diabetes medications.
I have to admit this was a blow to me. The only alternative was Ozempic, which was a disaster for me when I tried it, so she thought the insulin would be better because it had no side effects. So, I called the pharmacy to get it filled, and they said it needed prior authorization, so I’m waiting for that. The rest of the day, I was really down about this and all my health woes. It gives me great anxiety, and I just get terrified thinking about the future. It’s something I’m working on.
Something Funny
I saw this on Facebook and literally cracked up! It made me miss my former students, but I also groaned for the teachers enjoying spring break this week! Haha! These kids will be coming back wired for sound. I definitely don’t miss the part of the year I called the “spring crazy.” Hang in there, educators! Only a couple of months left!
Ugh, insurance is the worst. It’s bad enough that you need to deal with the health issue itself and the worry that goes along with it, but then you have to battle insurance. I hope it’s a quick approval….and thanks for sharing the tulips picture. We’re still all brown and gray here. I enjoyed the color! Feel good!!
Thanks, Kim! And I hope you will be seeing some beautiful spring colors soon!
Oh no on the insurance, been there, doing that, sigh. I am so sick of all this mess. Keeping you in prayer, Mandy.
Thank you, Linda. It sure is a mess, huh? I hate you have to go through this as well. Praying for you as well!
Oh, I’m so sorry to read that you have to be on insulin, but, hopefully, you can get your blood sugar levels down and it will be OK. How wonderful that they gave you lunch while you had your infusion! Hopefully, all the medical issues will be taken care of and you can stop worrying about it. At least we have access to medical care when needed!
Thanks, Bless! I’m praying this will help me get better regulated. Once that happens, I can hopefully feel better to start making some healthier lifestyle changes.
Keep working on it, and I think you’ll stabilize your health and feel much better. I know it must be discouraging for you while you’re working it all out. The tulips are very pretty. I planted some tulip bulbs a few years ago and am enjoying them every spring. It will be a few weeks before they bloom here.
Oh, I bet your tulips will be so pretty! Can you remember what time of year you planted them?
Hoi Mandy,
Oh, dat is echt naar voor je. (how sad for you)
Can’t you take an insulin pump on your belly or do you already have that? We don’t know much about each other, do we… but what a fright. I can imagine this makes you feel down and insecure. But that’s okay too. You’re not just a brain on two legs, you have feelings and emotions. So here’s a digital hug, I’ll be thinking of you, that means praying for you.
Those tulips in your photo make me happy. It’s still a bit too early for tulips here. Ha, and here I was thinking we only have tulips here in the Netherlands. Meanwhile, I know better.
xxx Aritha
Thank you so much for the prayers, Aritha. I do appreciate them! Since it’s just a once-a-day shot, I don’t mind that. Not ready for the pump yet! Haha! I hope I never have to get that far. I’m just a walking metabolic nightmare. But yes, those tulips made me happy, too! Thankful we can share in those tulips all around the world!
Hello Sweetie!

I sure hope that’s the last iron infusion too. Cannot be fun. Blech
And I hope the insulin stuff gets worked out soon as well.
That tulip pic fills my soul! I can’t wait for flowers blooming. It will be a little bit here yet.
Annie has her Spring break in April – so a little while before that too.
Blessings! xoxo
The tulips are gorgeous. Mine won’t be blooming for a bit.
Sorry for the health issues. Hope all things work out good. Glad they treated you well – you deserve it.
Take care and give it to God!
Thank you, Cheryl. I am trying to remind myself of that. Be sure and share a picture of your tulips when they start blooming out!
No Spring Break here. Ours is the first week of April. No tulips yet either, but I enjoyed yours.
Glad you were treated like a queen!
I get so tired of Insurance companies and prior auths. I spend a lot of time on them and I feel they don’t let doctors be doctors!
Mari, these prior auths have gotten so ridiculous in the past year. I was floored when this was approved yesterday. I figured it would take weeks.