Ahh, Spring Break. You were SO good to us! A week off from work was exactly what I needed! We’ve had a very productive week here at home, so I thought I’d share the Spring Break Recap for this year.
As soon as Friday afternoon quitting time came around, I headed to Walmart to pick up an order and then headed straight home to a long nap. Hubby was already home and taking care of supper. The teen had finished up school on Thursday, so he had Friday off. I woke up around 6 PM to the wind howling and something loud hitting our bedroom window. Turns out, it was sleet! Now, I knew there was a possibility for winter weather, but here in Mississippi, you sort of take that with a grain of salt. The day hadn’t been particularly cold. But as the night wore on, we found ourselves in a full-blown southern blizzard!
Blizzard is probably laughable to someone who lives up north, but this was truly amazing. It snowed for hours…big, fat beautiful flakes…and it stuck! It looked particularly beautiful sticking to our Bradford Pear tree. Look at how much stuck to the patio table:
And by lunchtime the next day, it was all but gone! I was glad, though. I’ve said it a million times, but I am sooooo over the cold and winter!
Trips & Lunches
On Monday the teen and the hubby headed out for New Orleans for a short trip to visit the National WWII Museum. I decided to let them make this a guy’s trip. My stamina for long periods of walking and being on my feet is just not there since having my heart attack back in December. I stayed home and cleaned house like a madwoman! Ha! It’s so much easier to clean when you have an empty house. However, as the night wore on, I sure did miss them. But they had a great time and even packed in a visit to the Audubon Zoo. They came home tired but enjoyed their little getaway.
On the second day they were gone I was able to join three of my friends for lunch. I tried a new sandwich and some broccoli salad and it was delicious!
We had a great time visiting and catching up. Looking forward to the end of the school year when I can do this more often.
I spent the rest of the week doing a deep cleanout of our spare bedroom that I use as an office area and eBay room. I still need to get into the closet in this room, but I was pleased with my progress so far. By the end of the week our Bradford Pear tree was blooming out beautifully and the weather was super nice.
And that’s my Spring Break recap! So, all of these things actually happened about two weeks ago. My laptop finally died on me. It was six years old and had certainly been a workhorse. I’m using the teen’s computer to type out this post and my new laptop should arrive later on this week. I’m excited to have a newer, faster one to work with. I’ll be back soon!
Thanks for stopping with the tip on using Feedly. I’m going to check it out.
What a week! I can’t believe all that snow in MIssissippi – and then blooms on your pear trees later in the week.
My hubby and son would be all about that museum!
Hello! I am always happy to clean when I am alone. I put the music on loud and get to it! Glad your spring break was fun and restful, and productive!!! Have a cozy evening!