December was a very busy month for me at work, so I am just now getting a chance to share a few of the school reading fair projects from this year. The participation this year was just super and the students and their parents really enjoyed working together to create some fabulous school reading fair projects that would entice anyone to want to read the books they chose for creating their projects. My students are kindergarten through second grade, so they do have to have a good bit of help from their parents, but the judges really do look for some evidence of student involvement.
Here are a few of those boards from this year’s reading fair:
Brownie and Pearl See The Sights
Pete The Cat- Pete’s Big Lunch
My Baby Blue Jays
The Very Quiet Cricket– This project was SO cute and only used construction paper! I love the simplicity, and it turned out beautiful!
They knocked my socks off as usual, and the judges had difficulty choosing between them. The examples above are ideal for lower elementary grades.
Want to see more great reading fair projects? Start here! Also, follow me on Pinterest and never miss the latest reading fair news!
I absolutely LOVE the reading fair idea!! Do you have a letter that you send home explaining the project?
Love the idea! Would love to have the instructions for this project and rubric. Thank you!