Things got a little busy last week, so I never got around to putting up part two of our district reading fair projects, but these reading fair project ideas are just awesome.
Reading Fair Project Ideas
The Princess and the Pea– As you can see, this was a first place winner. I thought the use of the peas in the title was perfect and her bed….well, you just have to see the details:
Kitchen sponges! Which, if you can see the book cover in the first picture, was absolutely perfect!
Dog Breath: The Horrible Trouble with Hally Tosis– Another first place winner in the division I judged (groups). Loved all the bright colors!
Ladybug Girl– This was a second place winner in the first grade division. Precious!
Copper Sun– This was a first place winner in one of the high school divisions. I thought it was awesome. It really had a lot of detail that you had to see in person and up close.
The Hunger Games– I know this one placed, just can’t remember exactly what place. I know as a librarian this is probably blasphemous to say, but I just never got into that book. I couldn’t even finish the first one. I know. However, this project is great!
Socks– Each time I looked at this reading fair board, I just smiled! It was so cute!
How To Be A Girl In Just Ten Days– I was crazy about this one, too! Loved the little shopping bags and girly stuff glued onto the board.
I do have a a few more pictures, but I hate to overload a post with so many. I hope these reading fair projects give you a little inspiration. I’ll save them for another day. Want more great reading fair project board ideas? Start here! Follow me on Pinterest and never miss any reading fair news!
The same thing happened to me when I clicked on the link. I would LOVE to have a copy of the rubric and getting set up for the Reading Fair. I was able to view it during the summer, but I didn’t have a printer available. Argh! Please email me with the information and THANK YOU for sharing!
Try this link:
Click on Reading Fair Guidelines- August 2013.
Does anyone have a rubric? I’d love to see how these were assessed. Thanks!
Hi Mandy! I tried clicking on the rubric link and it didn’t work
Could you email it to me please? We are doing this project in 4th grade to display on open house night! Thank you!
Hi Janelle, I just emailed you. Let me know if you still have trouble. Thanks for stopping in!
I would love to see the rubric as well
Hi, Mandy, can I have the rubric, also? I would love to use this for our Literacy Fair. What a CUTE idea!!
Hi Lisa,
I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. Try this link for the guidelines:
Click on Reading Fair Guidelines- August 2013
On Page 14 you will find the rubric the judges use for Fiction. Page 8 will give you the ages/categories we use.
Do you have a rubric?! I would love to do this with my classes!
You can find a rubric on pg. 14 and 15 of this document.
Hope this helps! Thanks for stopping in!
Hi! These look amazing! Did you work on these on class or was it a home project? Did you use a rubric or instruction sheet that you could share?
You have to make it to Chapter 11 in The Hunger Games! After that, it is incredible!!
They’re all amazing and everyone did a good job. I really like the Socks presentation board.
WOW – they are all so creative and beautifully done!