Last week E.B. turned 5 years old and reached the “magic age”. He can now play park commission tee ball if we so desire to sign him up. I’m torn.
This would be good physical activity for him. It would also be a chance for him to be around other kids his age. Of course, I know he is around children his age at school, but he has no brothers or sisters and the neighborhood kids are a good 3-4 years older than him and I won’t let him out of our yard to play yet, so his social interaction is pretty limited. He also hits a mean ball, and sure, maybe I’m a little biased, but he is pretty good.
Is he ready for this? I mean, he is only 5. We have many, many years ahead of us to participate in sports. Shouldn’t we wait until he is old enough to request to play?
Any “ball moms” out there willing to chime in with your two cents? I’d love some other perspectives.
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Whatever you decide will be fine. My nephews have been pushed in sports since they were wee little ones. Kekoa's 5 (almost 6), but he's likely not going to play any sort of ball until he's a little older or asks for it himself. That said, there's no right or wrong answer on this one.. whatever you decide will be fine.
I wish I'd done what Jess suggested – that's a good idea! When The Child was four I asked if he wanted to play T-ball. He said okay. He had no idea what I was even talking about. So we did and it was awful. He'd never played and all the other kids had (including three of our team's players who were the coach's kids). The coach didn't spend any time going over the basics. He was bored, and I was, too. And felt very guilty. I still do. He hasn't played T-ball, softball, baseball since.
I vote "try it."
It's easiest to "try" the sport when they're young and just starting out…that way NOBODY is very good at it. That's been my experience anyway.
We've had the twins in lots of different sports, just to see what they like. Soccer, tee ball, baseball, basketball…
I agree with Jess…
take him to some games & see if he is interested?
Ask him? He may have an interest in another sport or activity?
It would be good for him to be involved with other kids, too. Have any of the neighborhood kids ever come over to see if he could play?
You could always watch from the yard or a window…
Good luck in what ever you all decide!
Take him to a pee wee game with children his own age, and see what he does. If he wants to play let him. I always let Bryant do what he wants, and now he isnt 'great' at any one sport but he is a jack of all trades. he has been excelling at golf though! I hope he plays it his senior year. He played softball, football, bowling, 8ball and everything he loves. Just make sure that the coach is good and not mean to the kids, that can make or break a love for a sport.