This past Friday night E.B. went to, hands down, the best children’s birthday party we’ve attended yet. I normally tolerate kiddie birthday parties just for his sake, but I actually found myself enjoying this one so much, and it wasn’t because it was so over-the-top. In fact, it’s simplicity and location were the very things that made this party such a hit.
In the country. Yes, you read that right. The party was held in the middle of a cotton field that the birthday boy’s parents own. This really allowed them to be “free-range” kids for 2 blissful hours. They ran in the fields, they had a scavenger hunt atop a big hill, they enjoyed a hayride, roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over an open fire, and absolutely wore themselves out.
And the hill the kids were climbing? Turns out, it’s an Indian mound. The area of the Mississippi Delta that we live in has several of them, but I had never seen this one as it was tucked away on private property and surrounded by trees. The Delta is very, very flat, so these usually stick out pretty obviously. Once I discovered it was a mound I just had to go climb it for myself. The view from atop was pretty cool.
We came home with dirt on us from head to toe.
But it was so much fun, and I decided that the world would be a better place if everyone had a place in the country they could go to.
I totally concur, although I am guilty of deluxe party planning (fun, but deluxe!). Luke loved his 4 year old party which included bike riding, fishing, and nature hunt at the grandparents.
BTW, I have not been ignoring you…I lost you! I haven’t been getting your feeds since you switched. Getting on that right now!