I will start my October catch-up post with my October Halloween Beanie Babies.
The little vampire Beanie on the left is new to me this year. I found him on eBay and I definitely had to have him for my collection. I paid all of $8 for him, so no splurge! However, he is so stinkin’ cute!
Family Time
We had family visiting over the past couple of weeks, and it was so good to spend some time with them. My cousin on my dad’s side came from the Mississippi Gulf Coast and spent a few days with my mama. We went out to eat and had a pizza supper at mama’s one night with the rest of my daddy’s family that lives here. My uncle (her dad) passed away this past spring, and it was the first time we’ve seen her since then. I sure do miss him. He was also a librarian, and we spent lots of time talking about the library business when I got to see him. So many good memories! It was so good to see my cousin, and I hope she will return for another visit soon!
My aunt and uncle from Nashville (on my mama’s side) also arrived two days after my cousin left. They spent a week, and I am always super excited when they come! This is the aunt I am named after, and we have a special bond. I hung out with her and Mama some during the daytime, and we had a spaghetti supper one night while they were in town. They also have friends who live here, so they went out to eat with them quite a bit while they were here. I wish they lived closer.
Halloween Plans
I’m trying to decide if I want to hand out Halloween candy this year. I think I have told you all before that our neighborhood gets absolutely slammed with trick-or-treaters each year. We really enjoy getting to see all of the kids in their costumes, and I even have some former students who come trick-or-treating as well! In years past, we have bought tons of candy, and even then, it’s gone in an hour. One year, I made treat bags and handed out close to 115, and they were gone within about 45 minutes. Last year, I just watched the trick-or-treaters and didn’t hand out candy. However, have you seen the prices of candy lately? Hubby and I were at Walmart Friday looking at candy, and each candy bag cost nearly $20! OUTRAGEOUS!
I’ll probably just hand out a couple of bags and call it a night. It won’t last long, but I will not spend hundreds of dollars buying Halloween candy. Next year, we should plan better and buy a bag a week for several weeks leading up to Halloween. Most neighbors around us just shut their doors and turn off their lights. I have to do that when we run out of candy, or people will ring our doorbell for several hours.
When I was growing up, we mainly went trick-or-treating on our own street or in our small neighborhood. Nowadays, these kids are hauled all over town in elaborate trailers filled with hay and decorated with lights, and they hit up many different neighborhoods. I can’t imagine the insane amounts of candy they must collect! Haha! Our parents made us walk and work for ours! Haha!
Just Flat-Out Flat!
On Sunday, The Teen hopped in the car and was headed to my mama’s house to help her get her garbage to the road when he called me about a minute after he left, telling me the car sounded funny and he thought the tire was flat. He immediately returned to the house, and sure enough, the tire was flat.
I had to stop Wednesday morning to get air in the tire because the low tire pressure light came on in the car. I assumed it was because the temperature outside was getting much colder. Then, Hubby had to get it aired up again on Friday afternoon. We suspected a leak and should have just checked it for one then. I intended to do that this week, but the tire showed me what was what before that could happen! So, getting the tire patched, if possible, will be a top priority this week.
Face Time
In other earth-shattering news, I am trying some new skin care products. Thanks to hormones and the weather, my skin is getting super dry, so I picked up these two new items from the Bubble skincare line.
Bubble Skincare Day Dream Tone and Texture Face Serum – Hydrating Vitamin C + Niacinamide Serum that Helps Improve Skin Barrier Repair – Vitamin C Skin Care Suitable For All Skin Types (30ml)Bubble Skincare Morning Rays Brightening Eye Cream – Vitamin C Under Eye Cream for Dark Circles & Puffiness – Enriched with Green Tea Extract to Calm, Protect & Soothe Skin (15ml)
I really like them so far and appreciate that they are not expensive. I have tried so many skincare items from many different price points, and I’m tired of spending big money on things I end up not liking. I top these with a moisturizer, and I’m good to go!
What’s going on with you this week?
We never get any trick or treaters. Nick bought a costume last night, and is hanging out with friends. I don’t know what he’s supposed to be, but he bought a leopard print suit, so it should be entertaining.
DH & I have a new tradition we started a few years ago (once the kids didn’t want to hang with us on Halloween) where we go out to dinner at a fun local place. It’s usually really hard to get in, but it’s dead on Halloween, as everyone is at home. That’s where we’re heading tonight.
Hello dear Mandy!
I’ve missed you and time here. But I”m finally back from some big travels and playing catch up.
I love your beanies – they’re so cute!!
I’m sorry about your Uncle – but how wonderful to get such amazing family time. Especially with your extra special Auntie.
I hate when I get flat tire issues! Such a pain!
Blessings on your week. xo
Your beanie babies are cute! And sounds like you enjoyed a lot of family time with visiting family members. I haven’t had any trick or treaters in several years. In any case, I don’t plan to hand out any candy.
We will be in the house 1 yr. on Halloween…and we didn’t pass out candy last year and highly doubt we will this yr. too. It is just too expensive.
I use Cetaphil since I have sensitive skin. I had used Clinique for years, but really getting no benefit from it, so the dermatologist told me to use Cetaphil. Growing old is not for sissies, that is all I am going to say, LOL.
Wishing you a beautiful day my friend.
We get slammed with trick or treaters, too. Always have, we just have that kind of neighborhood, but this year is going to be so much worse. They’ve decided to close the road off…my road…to allow for no cars. They did this last year and it was so nuts. I’m not thrilled, because I love the kids, but yup, the candy prices are insane and we need almost 1,000 pieces…cha ching. Happy Halloween! (or not! Hahaha)
The vampire is so cute.
I have no trick or treaters and really never have. Nearly 40 years and none. The neighborhood just across the water gets slammed though. I have noticed that candy is out of sight expensive, so I would buy one bag and go as long as it goes then shut the lights. I think like many other things these days it is over the top. One street is plenty for the kiddos to have the experience and no one needs an entire neighborhood of candy. I should donate a bag to the neighborhood that gets slammed.
We get about 15-20 neighborhood kids on Halloween – just the right amount. Of course, we plan for more but are not disappointed if there’s candy leftover.
Glad you had a good visit with family! That sounds like a lot of trick or treaters! Yes, candy is so expensive. I think Sams or Costco may be the best place to purchase these days in bulk. I haven’t heard of this skincare, but will look it up because I am always looking for a good eye cream and dark spot serum. Have a good week!
I used to have a whole bunch of beanie babies and slowly they were given to grandchildren. The vampire one is unique!
I too am floored at the price of candy these days. I don’t have trick or treaters come through my apartment complex, so I don’t plan for it. We have a lot of harvest festivals and “trunk or treat” happening so that’s where they go, I guess.
Have a great week.
Your vampire beanie is cute!
Glad you were able to have a good time with family.
We usually don’t get trick or treaters. I make up a little bag for our girlies and for our sweet neighbors. Then I buy one bag, just in case. I would hate to have your problem!