I just can’t believe that November is almost over! And what a wild month it has been. We made it through Halloween on our busy street. I’m so glad the election is over. I’m also happy that The Teen will have a long break starting Thursday afternoon! It will be nice to sleep in a little longer if I can. It just seems like my body is programmed to wake up at 5 AM regardless of whether I can sleep in or not. Oh well, the early bird gets the worm, right? Haha!
But first, per usual, I’ll regale you with a picture of my November Beanie Babies. I know, I know! Try to contain your excitement! HA!
They took their place of honor promptly on November 1, but their time will be up by next Friday!
This month has been a little mentally challenging for me. I’ve sat down to blog many times and just read others’ blogs instead. Honestly, there isn’t much exciting going on here. We are just doing the usual during the week and having really slow weekends. Maybe it’s just what we need at this point. The world has been so loud and busy lately that just coming home, closing the door, and tuning out everything has helped a little.
November is always tough for me because this is when my anxiety ramps up to an all-time high. It was the month I was not released from a test in the hospital and was having heart surgery the next day, coming up on 8 years. And five years after that, I was once again admitted for having a heart attack. Basically, when my heart wants to act out, it always seems to choose the end of November to shine. So, for the whole month, I feel like I’m constantly worrying over every little skippy heartbeat and just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I thought it would get easier in time, but it never does.
I’ve also avoided blogging because the middle finger on my right hand has gone numb at the fingertip. I’m pretty sure this is related to my diabetes, and I will discuss it with my endocrinologist at my December appointment. Have you ever tried typing without using your middle finger? It has slowed my typing, but I’m getting used to it now. Hitting the keys with a numb finger feels weird, but wearing a bandaid on my finger when I have to type seems to help with this a little bit. So, I have a numb finger to go with the numb bottom of my left foot. Yay.
Jake is also stressing me out; bless him.
He started acting very lethargic and not eating, and it went on for a few days. I got him into the vet last Tuesday, and they did bloodwork and checked him over really well. Nothing showed up, and it was concluded that he probably had a hairball—the most expensive hairball on earth, as it turned out. The next day, he jumped up and went outside to the neighbor’s house across the street. She gives him treats, and he feels safe there. He finally returned yesterday! So he was gone for four days. I could see him in her chair under her carport, so I knew he was ok, but I was still worried because he didn’t want to come home. But he came back, slept all day and evening, and finally went outside at 10:30 PM. I let him go, and he is back under her carport in the chair. I am not positive he has passed this hairball if it is indeed that, but I’m just letting him do as he pleases to try not to stress him even more. He let me know just how much he didn’t appreciate the vet visit all the way home on Tuesday.
Looking Ahead
But, other than trying to remain calm and optimistic, I am just looking forward to being with family and sharing Thanksgiving with them. We will have our usual gathering at my aunt’s little church, eating and visiting. The next day, we will pull out the Christmas decorations and get ready for the hustle and bustle of the holidays. I really need to start a list of things I need from the store to make the food I will be taking. I hope to accomplish all of that this coming weekend so I don’t have to be in a store next week, as it gets crowded towards the holidays.
Other than all of that, we are fine. We have so much to be grateful for, and I really try to remind myself of this when life seems to be firing at me from all directions. I feel like I’m a big complainer, and I don’t want to turn my blog into a big whine fest with every post, so that’s a big reason why I step back and don’t post when I’m out of sorts. But I have been reading along with the blogs I follow and comment on, so I’m not totally abandoning the blog world.
All that to say, even though things are slow and not very exciting lately around here, we are doing okay. I hope you are as well.
I’m sorry you’ve been feeling so stressed and it is an anxiety inducing month. I think your blog is a safe place for you to vent should you feel like it. I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving with your family and now that November is over, you can look forward to December and the holidays.
Thanks so much. I am very thankful to be past those anxiety-inducing days and looking forward to the holidays!
Can definitely understand why November would be challenging. You’re almost there, and hope you get a chance to relax in the weeks ahead. Enjoy that time with your son! Mine comes home on Wednesday & I’m so excited to see him.
I’m so glad y’all got to have Sam home for a bit! I know it was a much-needed visit! Yes, things are finally leveling out and I’m looking forward to Christmas.
Been keeping you in prayer, my friend. Keep blogging, please, I like reading your posts etc. I hope you a have beautiful day. smiles
Thanks you, Linda! You know I’ve had y’all in my prayers, too. The holidays can be a tough time. I’m about to go catch up on my blog reading, but I hope y’all have had a peaceful weekend. ((hugs))
Hello, my friend. Please never think you are complaining. I find writing and sharing about my anxiety helps. Blogging friends are the best kind, you know. I find this to help when my anxiety tries to steal my joy…I learned it from an app I use called DARE. I say, “I accept and allow this anxious feeling. I accept and allow this anxious thought.” By not trying to push it away or block it out, I find I am not feeding my anxiety. If I allow it to be there, it looses its power. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks, Billie Jo, and you are right. It does help me to blog and get all of my feelings out. I appreciate y’all reading! I need to check into that app. I like the little mantra you posted and I’m going to try and remember this when I start feeling anxious.
Hello dear Mandy!
Thanks so much for sharing as I know you’re not alone and I think this tends to be a stress and anxiety season for many and for many different reasons. Prayers sent your way for peace and calm through it all.
I’m so glad Jake is ok and hope he stops stressing you out too! Lol
I love your beanie babies – so cute! They remind me of the cute Jellycats my daughter is still so in to right now,.
Blessings on the rest of your week. xoxo
Sometimes, writing about anxiety helps, and we are happy for you to do that here. Don’t worry about it. We’re a community, and we support each other. With that being said, I totally understand why this has been a worrisome month for you. Hopefully, soon, you’ll be concentrating on the holiday season and the joys that it can bring.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate the support. I’m praying I can sail through the rest of November and be ready and excited for Christmas!
Thank you so much for your encouragement. It means so much! I’m definitely looking forward to the holidays now! Just had to get over that slump! Haha!
You are not a complainer, and I can see why November is hard. It’s kind of a PTSD thing…
I like the November Beanies.
I hope Jake straightens up!
Thanks, Mari! Yep, PTSD is real. I’m hoping our Jake straightens up and flies right soon! Haha!
Glad to hear from you on your blog today! I can see why the month can be triggering, but I hope you are able to take care of yourself during this time. That is great you are taking time for rest and do not stress about blogging for sure! Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with your family and Christmas decorating! Take it all one moment at a time. Hope the rest of your week is good!
Thank you, Marilyn! Your words are very encouraging. I think spending some quality family time will be just what I need this month to help me feel better.
Thank you, Mari. I don’t “do” anxious well, so this time of year is just worrisome. But, thank goodness things are looking up now!
It’s easy to understand why November is an anxiety filled month for you. Hopefully it helps to talk about it and share with your blogging friends! That’s what community is for…to let you know that we’re thinking of you and cheering you on. Enjoy Thanksgiving and those adorable beanies! And Jake…the most expensive hairball in history, that made me laugh…because we’ve been there! Oh boy!
Thank you, Kim! You are so sweet! It does help to get it all out. I think writing is so therapeutic. I’m glad you can relate to the expensive vet bill! Ha! It sure wasn’t amusing at the time, but we will do anything for our fur babies, won’t we?
I hope the stress leaves you soon. Don’t let it get you down. I hope kitty is feeling better – sure is a pretty baby.
Thank you, Cheryl. We love our Jake, but he sure is an attitudinal mess! Haha! I’m looking for ways each day to let go of the stress and anxiety. Good old deep breathing helps a lot, believe it or not.