Well hello! I certainly did NOT mean to take a week-long break from blogging last week, but life got hectic, and by the time I had free time to blog, I was just TIRED. It’s Monday night (10:23 p.m.), and I have yet to make a dent in this post. I have been sitting here for over an hour or more. There are so many interruptions…the dryer goes off, the dishwasher needs loading, and people in my house want me to bake cookies!!!! LOL! They did get their cookies. Thanks Pillsbury Cookie Dough! Jake also requested a second supper minutes after being fed.
And speaking of Jake…
My neighbor sent me this picture of him chilling on her grill on Saturday morning! Haha! I think I may have mentioned that he loves our neighbor across the street because she feeds him, too. He is so rotten! He’s been enjoying the nicer weather lately. He comes inside when he wants a meal and then immediately has to leave to go back out. I’m sure that will change when it gets to be winter time, so I don’t begrudge him the chance to enjoy this while he can.
I’ve had to make two trips to the same town last week. I had a doctor’s appointment scheduled for Monday (Labor Day), but it didn’t occur to me that it was Labor Day until the Saturday before. I had to wait until Monday morning to call to double-check that, but I also had to go ahead and get up and get dressed just in case I still had to be there. I called when they opened, and the answering service informed me they were closed that day. I was a little irritated, but I suppose someone overlooked that it was a holiday when they made my appointment. I had The Teen with me, so I asked him if he still wanted to continue down the road or return home. He wanted to keep going, so we arrived in Greenville an hour or so later, and there wasn’t much to do since it was still early in the morning and a holiday. Their Goodwill opened up, and I had not been to this particular one, so we went inside to check it out and let him look at the books. We didn’t find much, but I did find a couple of books and a picture frame. Afterward, we met my cousin and her family and my aunt who lives there for lunch.
Finding a place that wasn’t a fast food place open on Labor Day was also a challenge, but we ended up eating at El Toro, a great Mexican food restaurant. The food and service were good, and it was nice to visit with my family. On the way home, we made a point to stop and hit up Shipley Donuts because you can’t go to Greenville, Mississippi, and come home without Shipley’s!
And Again…
On Tuesday morning, I got the appointment rescheduled for Friday, so on Friday, Hubby and I dropped the Teen off at school and made our way back down to Greenville for my appointment. It was probably the easiest and fastest I’ve ever had to get some tests run, so kudos to that clinic! Hubby and I had a few hours free before we had to start back home, so we went to Goodwill. He had also never been to this one, so we popped in for a bit. I scored on this visit and found several nice name-brand tops and some books. Hubby found a couple of books as well.
We decided to eat lunch at Pasquale’s, a great little pizza joint. We used to have a Pasquale’s where we live when I was growing up, but it moved to Greenville. It was just OK…not as good as I remember it being. It’s also merged with Frostop, which was in an older location in Greenville for many years. They managed to save the big Frostop mug from that restaurant.
After lunch, I wanted to take a quick peek at TJ Maxx. I haven’t been in one in years, and we had a little time to kill. Oh, my word. I think I could have stayed in there all day if my legs would let me! Haha! There was so much fall decor and beauty products to look at! I found some comfy shoes to wear around the house, a couple of body sprays, and two candles. I couldn’t resist a couple of fall-smelling candles. We had a good time getting away for a few hours together, and I’m so glad Hubby could take me to that appointment.
The Aftermath
So, when you add up two days of traveling along with the regular daily chores/responsibilities, etc., THIS is how I had to spend some time recuperating.
I had to MAKE myself spend the day like this Thursday after dropping The Teen off at school. Of course, the whole time, I was mentally fussing at myself and wanting to be up doing something, but on Tuesday my blood pressure was dangerously high at another doctor’s appointment, and by Thursday, I was absolutely wiped out. I knew I still had to make another appointment on Friday, so I stayed in the recliner all day. It greatly helped.
Ok, it’s 11:20 p.m., so I will sign off and get this post scheduled to roll out on Tuesday morning! I hope your week is off to a good start!
Glad you were able to relax and rest on Thursday! Hope all your medical appointments go well and the results are all good.
Lots of traveling and busyness in your world, glad you were able to rest after it all. Hoping your blood pressure is back in a better range and you’re still taking it easy!
Hello! You were busy! I hate when I have so many things in one week. But then I am glad to get them all done. But then I dread it! I think you should set up in that recliner for an entire day! A blanket, a book, and some treats, and you will be set! Glad your appointment went well. Have a cozy evening, my friend.
Sounds busy but fun at the same time. It is always nice to treat ourselves to some down time.
That was a very busy few days. Glad you took a day to relax after that!
Glad you were successful too.
I would never get my husband in a Goodwill!
I’m glad you were able to take a break and get your blood pressure down. That’s not something you want to mess with.