We are marching into March! This year really is flying by! Each day, I add more and more things to my planner, mainly with The Teen’s senior year activities. It’s funny to think that when I was filling in my planner in January, I barely had anything filling up most days and weekends!
I sure didn’t mean to be away from blogging for so long. I kept up with my blog reading, but I haven’t made a personal post here since Valentine’s Day! My last two posts had been pre-scheduled. But, I’m baaaackkkk!
It’s March, and if you know me, you know what that means! Time to display my March Beanie Babies! I dug them out this past week and proudly displayed them on my mantle. Hard to believe I will be swapping them out in a couple of weeks for Easter!
March Weather- Gorgeous!
We have had some gorgeous weather lately! Everything is blooming out, and I am here for it! After dealing with the ice storm this past winter, I will gladly take all the beautiful, warm days I can! It’s been running in the upper 60s—mid-70s, and I have my air conditioner going. This is the Bradford pear tree in my backyard! We had a rain come through yesterday, and now the yard is covered in little white blooms.
Self-Care Time
My Mama and I went to get a pedicure about a week ago. It had been around Thanksgiving since I had last had one, so it was time! When I glanced at this color in the salon, I thought it looked more peachy, but it’s really more of a purply pink. Oh well! I almost always get glitter polish when I have this done. I just love glittery nails! This is Autumn Leaves by DND. And I wear these “pedicure shoes” when I get one. Haha!
Health Updates
Hubby and I had our three-month endocrinologist checkups last Monday. He got a great report! His A1c and bloodwork looked good, except for a little low iron. She prescribed him some iron tablets. My A1c still wasn’t great, so she put a continuous glucose monitor on my arm to monitor me for two weeks, but it fell off yesterday! Boo! Guess who else had low iron? Like, BAD low iron? ME! I have no idea what caused that, but I had to go to the infusion center at a local hospital and get an iron infusion yesterday.
They gave me some Benadryl through the IV first before the iron, so I was a little drowsy during the infusion, but I did ok. I just felt a little sore in my muscles and woke up with a headache this morning. I have to go back next Wednesday for one more infusion, and hopefully, everything will be back on track. That’s one of the huge reasons I haven’t been posting. I just haven’t had the energy or a clear mind to blog. I’ve been doing the bare minimum and wondered why it felt like, as each day passed, I was getting weaker and weaker. I’m so thankful it was caught in my labwork and that I can be treated for it.
Spring Break
The Teen has a half-day at school today and will be on Spring Break starting Friday. I am so glad. He needs a brain break, and I need a carpool break! Haha! He and I have a dentist appointment next week and a couple more doctor’s appointments for me. But it will still be a much slower pace, and we won’t have to get up early if we don’t need to. Hope you all have a great weekend! I’ll hopefully be back again soon!
I’m so glad that your low iron level was detected in the blood test and you were able to get the infusion. Hope you start to feel better, soon!
Thank you! And yes, I am so thankful this was caught and can be treated!
I go in for my annual checkup and blood work next week. No blooms here yet, but we should see a lot of changes in the next few weeks!
Sure hope you get good results!
No wonder you didn’t have any energy. I am so glad you got the injection. Bloodwork is amazing in what it can see for us.
Enjoy spring break.
I love your green beanies! Your toes look good too. Mine are in need of a pedicure.
I hope that iron infusion has you feeling good soon. I bet you’ve been really tired.
Hi Mandy!
Envious of your glorious weather – although can’t complain this year. My northwoods has been very mild and spring-like by our standards. 
Love the beanie babies – so cute.
Hope they can figure out your low iron issue! My friend had issues with that several years ago and had to go for an iron infusion too. It seemed to really help her.
Blessings on your weekend ahead. xo
I hope you feel stronger and more energetic soon. Maybe the spring weather will help! Good for you for getting a pedicure. Self care helps us feel better too! The senior year, espeically spring semester seems to fly by so fast. Enjoy the moments and have a good afternoon!
Sorry for health issues. Hope this will all be remedied now.
Lets hope there isn’t a late freeze like most years.
Take care.
I’m glad they figured out that you have low iron and are treating it. You should feel much better once you get your numbers up. That, along with spring break, I’m sure are welcome. Love your holiday bears, especially the one in the middle.
I’m really hoping I will be able to tell a difference soon. I’ve felt bad for a while now, so I am ready for some good days! I love that little bear, too! He is so super soft!