Looking over last week in this post! I’m seriously trying to remember each day. It seems like so many of my days blend into one now, but I wanted to share a few things so I can remember them as long as my blog is here!
The week started with taking The Teen to the eye doctor. He’s had some itching in one of his eyes, and it just wasn’t clearing up. He gets this often. We had some eye drops he is normally prescribed for this, so I started those, but we didn’t have much left. I took him on in to see the doctor to get checked out anyway. He was prescribed more of the same drops, just every two hours. He was pretty miserable, so he stayed home for three days while I administered the drops. By Thursday, he was much better and back to school.
Lunch Excursion
I was able to have lunch with my mom and aunt this week. We went to a local bistro that is a favorite lunch spot of mine.
I always order the same wrap. It’s so good and filling! This time I chose fresh fruit with fruit dip for my side. I enjoyed the other half of the wrap for a meal the next day. It was nice to get to visit with them. It wasn’t crowded that day, so we had an enjoyable time.
The bistro is right across the street from a very old movie theater that has now been turned into our local arts alliance. I saw this quote and had to take a picture!
The Ellis Theater has been around since the 1930s. It was where I saw my very first movie when I was very young. My parents took me to a showing of Swiss Family Robinson when I was five years old, around 1979. I can remember bits and pieces of that experience. I’m sure it was a very nice place back in its heyday. I’m glad many of our local downtown structures are getting facelifts and repurposed into wonderful places to eat, dine, and enjoy experiences.
Doctor’s Office Visit
I also accompanied my mom to her doctor to get her B12 shot on Thursday. She is having a tough time right now with her knee and has had to take it easy the past couple of weeks. I’m thankful I can be around to help her more. I hate seeing her slowed down by this. My mom has always been a real go-getter. I’m praying the shot she can get soon for her knee will bring her some big-time relief before Thanksgiving!
Cold Weather
I was NOT ready for the blast of cold weather that came in overnight Friday. We woke up to temps in the low 30’s, rain, and howling wind. I have stayed inside all weekend except to step onto the patio to feed our strays. We’ve set up warming boxes filled with towels and snuggly blankets for them to help get them through. They have all done wonderfully, and I will be very glad to see these frigid temps move out this week. They made themselves a “kitty cuddle puddle” on the patio table a few days before it got so cold.
Looking Ahead
The Teen has a field trip on Thursday, so we will have to drop him off at his school early. The bus leaves at 6:15 AM. I’m not a fan of super early, dark, cold mornings, but I’ll do it for him! Hubby and I have our endocrinologist appointment on Friday morning, so I’m anxious to get that done. I’ve hit a wall with my diabetes medication. The Trijardy I was prescribed was working fabulously, but the next time I went to refill it, the insurance company said I had to have prior authorization. My doctor and pharmacist have done all the necessary hoop-jumping and I still don’t have it approved. The doctor had to put me back on Metformin (which does not work for me) until the medicine is approved. That was three weeks ago, so who knows when that will be. However, I could totally have it if I had $1200 cash to pay for it myself. (insert sarcasm and eye roll here). I just don’t understand why they filled it for 90 days before and won’t refill it now.
I also woke up Saturday morning with the biggest urge to start decorating for Christmas. I guess I’m just a little tired of looking at fall decor. I’ve had ours out since September 1, and I’m ready to look at the beautiful Christmas lights! I resisted because it won’t be long until next Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. This is our traditional day to decorate for Christmas. I guess the cold weather just made it seem so enticing. Christmas in the South is just a toss-up. You never know if it will be cold or if you’ll be wearing shorts.
That pile of kitties is one of the cutest things I’ve seen! Hope your medication will be approved soon.
In all my reading that I did here on your blog last week, I don’t think I ever knew you are diabetic. It surprises me (and also doesn’t) that so many people I encounter are. I’m having a bit of trouble with getting one of my insulins lately. There is a supply shortage so the pharmacy is rationing it, which means I only get one pen at a time for now. I have to go back every 2-3 weeks now. A small hassle, but at least I’m able to get it.
The kitties are so cute! I want to adopt them and bring them all inside. Our kitty, Minion, would not allow it though. LOL! We tried having a 2nd cat earlier this year and he was absolutely not having it.
I am so sorry about your prescription. That is so frustrating! I went through the same thing with my mom. She needed medicine, and it took forever for the approval to come through. I am ready to start decorating soon too! I want to, but I will probably wait until this Sunday. Maybe! Have a cozy week!
Awww! The kitties are so cute.
Your wrap looks yummy.
Insurance companies can be so frustrating. I’m a nurse and have to do those prior auths. You never know what they will approve and what they won’t. Today I had to do one for someone who is actively dying. She won’t need more that one bottle of this medicine that’s for comfort and not even expensive. By the time they approve it, she will most likely have passed. So irritating!