Last week was a good week! It’s always a good week if I’m feeling like doing a little something, and thankfully, my body cooperated for the most part. I think the beautiful false spring weather had something to do with it. We’ve had some gorgeous days, except for some morning fog. Friday and Saturday were simply amazing, with highs almost to 80 with a little breeze and sunny skies. But alas, the cold is back. But it’s not a bitter cold, so I’m thankful for that!
Taking Care of Business
The week started with Mama’s follow-up appointment on Monday, which required a little travel. She got a good report and should be getting her stitches out tomorrow. She is doing really well but still not quite ready to face the world yet, which is understandable, but she’s getting there!
Tuesday was haircut day for me. I’ve been seeing the same hairdresser since my son was born, so twenty years now. She got me in early Tuesday morning, and I got a couple of inches cut off, so basically, it was just a trim. It’s always good to catch up with her and hear about her kids.
Wednesday, I was pretty much a potato! Haha! I think the activities from the two days before just wore me out, so I didn’t really do anything but read. I just had to give my body a rest after the road trip, but that’s to be expected.
Thursday, I went and checked on my mama and did a grocery pickup. I will repeat it for the millionth time, but I am so very grateful we have this available now. If I had to walk all over a big grocery store, it would wear me slap out!
Friday Fun Day
Friday was a fun day! Hubby had made it in the night before, and we decided to drive to a town about 45 minutes away that has a Goodwill. I have been slowly cleaning some things out since the beginning of the year, and the bags of clothes and other things have been piling up. It was a pretty day, and I felt ok, so we took off to take care of that. This Goodwill has a drive-up/drop-off type thing, so all we had to do was pull up, and they came and unloaded everything! We then headed to a nearby pizza place that we enjoy going to in this town. We had a good lunch, and then my hubby took me to their mall so I could spend the Bath & Body Works gift card I received at Christmas. We parked near the entrance of the store and headed in. I really racked up in there, as most of the Christmas scents and a few other things were 75% off. I got a couple of new candles, too.
(This is not the mall we went to. Just a stock photo for attention, haha!)
There is also a Belk beside B&BW, so I wanted to look around. Hubby went to the men’s department, and I headed to look at the women’s things, but it was all overwhelming. Just clothes EVERYWHERE! So much so that it was hard to walk around all the racks. When I was growing up, this mall was a big deal; this particular store used to be McRae’s. It wasn’t junked up, every section was tidy, and you could really find what you needed. Everything I looked at in Belk was $69 a piece and up. Of course, they were having a sale, but you had to look at a color on a tag that corresponded with how much of a percentage off you got by looking up at a sign above the rack. Back in the day, they just marked things down by hand or made the whole rack half off or whatever. And I know it isn’t hard to figure out, but I did not feel like doing all that mental math, so I said forget it. It was at that time that my legs and feet really started hurting, and I couldn’t find hubby, and his phone was dead. I was about to head out to sit on a mall bench when we saw each other. So, unfortunately, we barely spent an hour at the mall, which was overdoing it for me. It made me sad because growing up, I was a mall rat who could spend hours and hours there shopping and hanging out with friends.
Let’s Be Adventurous!
After we left the mall, I told hubby I wanted to get my ears pierced again. I wasn’t brave enough to get my ears pierced until I was 19 years old, and somewhere in the throws of early motherhood, I let my earing holes grow back over. I recently went through my jewelry box, saw all of my pretty earrings, and wanted to wear them again. So I did some googling, and the only places in this town where I could get that done were tattoo and piercing shops. That was another service you used to get done at the mall we were at before it started dying a slow death. So, what did I do? I found the one with the best Google reviews, and off we went! I figured if it was just terrible, we didn’t have to go in, and I had hubby with me, so I felt safe. We found the place, and the woman in charge couldn’t have been more normal or nice! She even had Christian music (KLOVE) playing softly in the shop. She got me fixed up in about five minutes, and I am so happy to have my ears pierced again! Yay!
I spent Saturday and Sunday just relaxing and reading. I was pretty tired Saturday from the day before and decided not to push myself on Sunday.
Happy Birthday!
But today is my son’s 20th birthday! He will spend the day at school, and we will celebrate his big day this weekend when hubby is home. Hopefully, my mama will feel like joining us by then. But wow, twenty years! It sounds so cliche, but it really did go by so fast. I shared funny stories about him when he was younger, but I never posted too many pictures because I wanted to protect his privacy, and as he got older, I respected his privacy. But, I’ll leave you with this: a picture of the Teen on his first birthday! It will always be one of my favorites. He was really enjoying his birthday smash cake! Haha! And, I guess I can’t call him The Teen anymore. *sniff*
Love that picture of your son. He looks so happy! So much enthusiasm for his cake. 🙂
I find malls really overwhelming at this point. I don’t enjoy shopping much, and the occasional trip is too much for me. I’m pretty much an (almost) minimalist at this point, although I definitely have more than enough. I do most of my shopping online.
So glad your Mama got a good report at the doctor’s. I hope her recovery continues to go well.
I dislike shopping and I’d be tired after an hour at a mall, myself.
Happy birthday to your son! That first birthday picture is so cute! He really enjoyed that cake, didn’t he?
Glad your Mom got a good report Sweetie!
And good on you braving getting your ears pierced again- I love that!! Now go enjoy all those lovely jewels you have. And yay for gift cards and great deals at B&B (always one of my faves!)
But best of all – happy birthday to your son!! That’s the sweetest pic of him. The time flies, but living in the gratitude of getting to love these little beings is everything. Wishing him many blessings!! xoxo
20! Well Happy Birthday! It goes by way too fast doesn’t it? I love that you got your ears pierced again! I have 3 holes…I had 4 but one closed up and I’ve never been brave enough to go back and have it fixed!
Happy Birthday to your son, and what a great 1st birthday picture. If he will let you, you should do then and now pictures. The only advantage of getting annoyed and tired in the mall is the money you saved because the shopping was bad. 🙂
Oh! Happy Birthday to your son! It does go quickly! He was a cutie! Mine are 29, 24, 22, and 15!!! Glad all is well in your world. Have a cozy week and stay cozy!
Happy Birthday to your son! It’s so true – those years fly!
You did have a productive day. Hooray for the ears. I know what you mean about the mall. I used to spend hours there too, now it tires me out, plus, just like yours it seems those stores are a mess.
I love that your Goodwill has a drop off zone. I always have to get out and lug things into the drop off door. I try to take my hubby along when I have lots of stuff.