I’ve been just enjoyin’ life for the past couple of weeks, and that’s my official excuse for not posting for a bit.
First, besides last weekend when we got a ton of rain, the weather has been pretty amazing. Last weekend we had a big storm with lots of rain. These would be the storms that caused so many tornados the previous weekend. We had a ton of wind and rain. So much so that our backyard was completely flooded!
Once the rains stopped, it drained off pretty quickly. Then we had a couple of days where it was cold again. But this past weekend has been gorgeous, leaving plenty of time for sitting outside and watching and listening to the birds! I just can’t wait to wake up each morning and greet my little birdies with some birdseed and corn for the squirrels! I have enjoyed listening to them so much using the Merlin app, and it’s definitely a bright spot in my day!
This little squirrel is a regular at the feeder!
I love seeing the red-breasted woodpecker! He is so handsome!
Here he is again amongst friends!
We had a good spring break, even if it was a little boring. We only went out of town on Monday to take my mama to another one of her appointments. Hubby took the week off, so he went along, too! We had a little time to kill before her appointment, so we popped into the bookstore nearby, where I got this fantastic bird-watching journal for $3.21!
It was priced at $7 but ended up much cheaper when I went to check it out! So, that was a big win! Yay!
On Tuesday, we just hung around the house. On Wednesday, I met up with my good friends for a lunch date. We tried a restaurant we had never all gathered at but had all been to at some point. I got the fettuccine alfredo, and it was delicious! I had to take the other half home!
After lunch, I went to Walgreens for my second (and final) shingles vaccine. I completed the registration process online before this appointment, so it went much faster this time. Afterward, I went by the house and picked up hubby, and we had an ice cream date!
My friend made the mistake of telling me at lunch that she had taken her granddaughter here the day before, and I hadn’t been there in a while! It’s a place where you pick what ice cream you want, then you can add whatever toppings, and they price it by weight. And yes, I had NO business….absolutely NONE…getting this, but it sure was good! Sorry for the bad lighting! I justified this as a treat for being so good and not crying when I got my shot, haha!
I purposely decided to take the second shot this particular week in case I need some extra time to recover, and boy, I am SO glad I did. My first round of the shingles vaccine just made me tired and left me with a temporary bought of chills and a slight fever. But this second one was a doozy! The symptoms didn’t even really start until about 24 hours after I took it, but there were chills, fever, sweating, and exhaustion like I’d not had in a while. The bad part was that this went on for days. I did not fully feel like I had recovered until this past Wednesday, so a whole week.
So, this past week, getting my house back in order and taking Mama to another appointment just took all of my days, and that’s why I haven’t blogged in a couple of weeks. I have been reading along with everyone else and trying to keep up as best as I can.
It’s so hard to believe March is almost over! Time just keep slipping away. However, I did add two more St. Patrick’s Day Beanie Babies bears to my collection! I found these on eBay, and just couldn’t resist!
So now, my mantle looks like this:
And soon, it will be time to take them down and put up Easter bears!
I have so much more to share, but I’ll stop here for today! Hope you had a great weekend!
Yikes, that’s some flood! It must been a ton of rain. It looks like you could’ve gone swimming in that puddle!! I’m glad to hear it drained off quickly.
Hello my Friend!
So glad everything turned out okay after all that crazy weather. I love the birds too and could listen to them and watch them for hours. That squirrel feeder is adorable!
Matt & I need to get the shingles vaccine, but we keep putting it off as we’ve heard that about those shots too. Blech.
Everyone deserves a treat now and then – and boy did yours look good!
Blessings on your week ahead. xoox
Shingles vaccines can really wipe you out. I’m glad you’re feeling better. Has your backyard flooded like that before?
Oh that rain was a lot! I’m sorry the shot was so rough on you. Hope you have a great week ahead!
Glad you had a nice week off, even with all that rain! You really did get flooded.
I like your new Beanies – that’s a great St Patty’s collection.
Sounds like the week off was nice. Glad you are feeling better. It sure has been wet and windy this March – I am over it!
Hope you have a great week ahead.