I woke up from my nap on Thursday afternoon to a happy juniper tree surprise! Hubby had left to go somewhere but returned with two new juniper trees a little later!
These were part of my Christmas gift from my mama. She and I often go to a local nursery to buy produce and plants, and every time I saw these trees, I mentioned how I planned to get two of them to go outside in our area to be landscaped. Mama remembered when she returned today, and I woke up to two new trees!
Planting Juniper Trees
Hubby had to dig deep to plant them, which was hard work! I stood back, ensured they were centered properly, and cheered him on. I miss being able to wield a shovel, but I’m so thankful he is strong and healthy and can!
I’ll need to read up on how to care for them, and I hope they will thrive and make it through the winter. Before everything is done in our front yard regarding landscaping, we still have a way to go, but I hope we will get there next spring. I still need to get one more bush, some filler plants, and mulch. It will be a big job, for sure!
Beautiful Fall Colors
While hubby was digging and planting, I caught the sun hitting the tree in our backyard just right, and the beautiful color was breathtaking!
It’s funny down here in the Deep South. Our trees are just now showing out with their beautiful fall colors. Sometimes, it happens right on time, and some years, it’s late. This is a late year for us. But, just as fast as they start to change, they fall from the trees. My backyard needs a cleanup, for sure!
Last Week of School
Other than the juniper trees, it’s been a slow week here. The Teen will knock out his last exam this morning, and we will be in Christmas vacation mode until January 5, when he has a virtual learning day for his first day back. I’m looking forward to turning the morning alarms off, but I know that Jake will still be sure to wake me up at 5 AM! Ha!
I am still slacking in the Christmas shopping department, but I hope to finish that next week. I will also have to help Mama finish her Christmas shopping since it’s hard for her to walk long distances and stand on her bad knee for a long time. I’ve been cooped up lately, so I’m ready to get out and looking forward to the challenge!
Do you have any big plans for the weekend? I’ll spend mine cleaning, reading, and maybe even baking some Christmas goodies! We are supposed to get rain on Saturday, so that will hopefully take care of watering my juniper tree surprise! Hope you have a good one!
What a lovely surprise gift from your mother! I’m glad your husband was able to plant them for you. Your tree looks lovely! Some of our trees are just starting to turn color, here, too. I spent my weekend cleaning the house and starting on the decorating, plus picking up my daughter from the airport (she’s home for the holidays).
That’s a great gift! I grew up with lots of junipers on our property. We can’t really have them here, because rats build nests in them.
We went to a super fun holiday party last night, today I’m helping Sam with a missing piece of the college applications, and reviewing both teens grades & assignments. It’s finals week!
DH is making dinner tonight, and then we will open all of our gifts. We always do this ahead of traveling to my parents, as bringing the gifts isn’t feasible, and we enjoy two celebrations. It’s also rainy here, and we definitely need it.
Oh wow, I never knew that about rats and juniper trees! Hope you have fun enjoying your family celebration tonight! That’s great that y’all do that before your trip while also getting to enjoy more family time with the rest of your people later on!
What pretty trees! They’re a lovely gift…and I’m envious of your fall trees. Our trees are bare and it’s so depressing. I hope the weekend is a good one!
Thank you, Kim! It did indeed rain on Friday evening, so my new trees got a little drink of water. I’m so happy to see our tree leaves finally changing colors, but it’s so funny to see in December!
What a great gift of the Juniper trees! The colors of the leaves are beautiful. We have leaves covering our yard and they still seem to be falling. I like the look of leaves on the ground in the winter though. Enjoy your weekend!
Our back yard is full of leaves as well, and it’s starting to make a big mess getting tracked into the house. I hope our yard guy will come give us a clean-up this week before the holidays! Hope you had a great weekend!
I love your junipers! And since they came from your sweet mom, you will think of her each time you see them.
It’s crazy to me to think of colorful trees right now. It’s a black and white world in my area at the moment.
I’m doing last minute stuff this weekend, so baking and the last wrapping.
Oh wow, I forget that you all are already having winter weather and everything, so I imagine it does look pretty black and white there! Hope you were able to get all your last-minute things done!
Very nice gift and one that will give for years. It is always lovely when people listen and get that gift just right.
Mama’s sure know their children’s hearts, huh? My mama has always been so good to me, and I love her so much!
How thoughtful of your mother to remember you wanted those trees and for your husband to plant them. I look forward to seeing your landscape evolve. We want to redo our front, including correcting some drainage. It’s a big job that has not made it to the top of the priority list yet.
I sure hope we can get it together and get it done this next year. Like you, we have had to put things like the new roof ahead of this. I may have to save up some money and call in one of hubby’s friend’s that does this on the side. Hope you can get your landscaping going in this next year!