Welcome to my January 2019 Ebay Income Report! I decided this year I would document my sales on Ebay here on my blog just in case anyone out there reading might be curious about earning money on Ebay. I started selling on Ebay regularly last summer and some months are better than others. This month was pretty much just “meh” considering that it was January and the holiday season had just wrapped up. I honestly didn’t expect very many sales at all and kind of got very lax about listing this month. Work was just starting back for me and I was still a little bit burned out from the holidays and getting back into a regular routine.
January Ebay Income Report 2019
So, the grand total in sales for January 2019 was $110.92.
GROSS SALES: $110.92
NET: $101.82
This final total, of course, doesn’t include Ebay fees and taxes. I haven’t tallied those up yet. However, close to $100 for very little investment and time did bring in some extra income. Most of what sold had been listed a while ago, so my Ebay was pretty much on autopilot this month.
What Did I Sell?
Decorative spheres
Dog toy
A cool Hershey’s Smores caddy
Any Problems or Selling Issues?
The only issue I had this month was with one item arriving very late. The seller contacted me because it had been almost two weeks and her item hadn’t arrived. We could see the tracking, but for some reason it was being held in a shipping facility for a long time. It finally got going, but I still felt bad that she had to wait.
I refunded her money and told her to keep the item when it arrived. It wasn’t a high dollar item, but I knew if it was the other way around, I would also expect a little something extra besides just an apology for having to wait so long. It paid off, because she left me positive feedback and thanked me for going the extra mile for her.
Curiously, the same day I mailed that item off, I had also mailed off our mortgage payment that never seemed to be clearing out of our bank account. We finally had to put a stop on that check and just called them to pay it over the phone before it was late. That check finally showed up for payment after it would have been late and it was only going to another town in our state. So, I don’t know what was going on with the mail that day.
Final Thoughts
OK, so I know anyone who regularly sells on Ebay and is reading this is probably laughing their pants off at this small earning amount, but at the end of the day I’m fine with this. This isn’t my full time job and I just honestly enjoy the thrill of it all. Of course, I do want to scale this so that it can grow as big as I can manage. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this January Ebay Income Report and we’ll see what next month brings!
Want to read more Ebay posts? Start Here!
I like that you blog about eBay too! We have so much in common. 🙂 I actually made 10k after decluttering with the KonMari method and selling my old stuff on eBay! Too bad on one actually wanted to read my eBay posts *sad face*. I am still working thorugh selling stuff on eBay, slower now because blogging takes up so much of my time.
Marissa, I LOVE your Ebay posts! That’s amazing that you made $10,000! I definitely aspire to those kinds of earnings.