It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas around our home. We pulled out the Christmas tree and our holiday decor from the storage closet and went to work last Friday. However, we hit a snag as soon as the tree was set up. We discovered that the lights on the very top of the tree were no longer working. We have no idea what caused it. Everything was in fine working order last year. We had to search for a single strand of lights to remedy the problem. That didn’t happen until the next day, so it was Sunday before it was all finished up.
When last Sunday rolled around, I was too tired to do much, so hubby happily decorated the tree, and I watched from the recliner while sipping on some hot coffee while we listened to Christmas music on the TV. I think he did a great job, and I appreciated his help this year.
ER Visit
Hubby also had an accident while at work this past Wednesday. He is a truck driver and hauls propane tanks (empty, of course!). One of the most important things he has to do before he leaves with his load is to ensure the tanks are tightened down and very secure for the haul. He uses this long winch bar to do just that. Well, somehow, the bar slipped and came back and hit him in the forehead. It left a pretty big cut, and the bleeding wouldn’t stop, so off to the ER he had to go.
It took a little while for the bleeding to stop, but they were able to use derma bond on the cut and made sure he didn’t have a concussion or anything else going on. He never complained about pain. The most he complained about was his arm hurting from the tetanus shot he got in the ER. He stayed home from work the next day to recover and rest but returned to work Friday for a short load before the weekend. I am so thankful his injury wasn’t worse, and even more thankful this happened while he was still in town so that I could be there for him.
The Teen had a distance learning day on Friday, so he didn’t have to go to the school for class, but we spent the better part of the day delivering poinsettias that his class sold for a fundraiser. Hubby and The Teen picked them up from the school Friday morning, and we made deliveries. We also went to lunch since we were all together, which was nice.
I am looking forward to the Christmas holidays when we don’t have to get up and get out in the morning cold for a couple of weeks at least.
Hubby went back to work for the week yesterday, so I did a little laundry and rested as much as possible. I finished up our Christmas cards so those will go out tomorrow. I’m still lagging behind on the Christmas shopping. But I do my best work under pressure (ha-ha!), so it will get done eventually. I have started a little list on Amazon of some ideas for every one we buy for.
New Slippers
Speaking of Amazon, I just ordered myself a new pair of these fuzzy animal print slippers. I had a pair in pink, and I have literally worn them out. They are so comfy and have an adjustable closure on top, which is perfect if you have a wide foot, as I do. They were out of stock for a while, but thankfully they have replenished the supply! They come in many different colors, so I thought I’d try this animal print.
Feeling Grateful
December 1 marked six years since my heart surgery, and today marks one year since having a heart attack. To be sitting here typing this blog post is a huge blessing. I am thankful to be here still, caring for my family and enjoying life. Of course, those things have slowed me down more than I would like. However, I’m adjusting to my limitations, and I often joke I’m on the “do what you can plan.” I always get nervous this time of year because for some reason my heart issues always creep up during the start of the Christmas season. Even still, I am so grateful to God for seeing me through all of these things.
I’m glad your husband is recovering well from his injury. He did a great job decorating the tree!
I’m also thankful that you are well and here to write your blog posts and be there for your family after your heart surgery and heart attack! I wish you a long and healthy life and many more years of blogging!
Mandy, I am going to have to read a bit more. I love blogs and my life is so busy that I don’t get to do as much of that as I once did. Glad the hubby’s cut is all good. I have had a fatigue issue for decades with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am not on meds anymore and control the pain with diet, but fatigue is not something you can help, so I totally understand the plan of doing what you can. I am glad you are here and days with our family are always gifts.
I have written off prelit trees. I had my story of them going out and not being fixable. Lights can be just plain hard to deal with, but the trees are so pretty for the month of December. It helps with the early nights.
I’m so glad you stopped in, Sandy! I love admiring your handiwork on your blog. I hope you have a wonderful new year!
Your tree looks very nice!
Ouchie for your hubby! Head wounds bleed like crazy. Years ago when my own hubby was building our greenhouse, one of the boards for the roof frame swung down and hit him on the side of the head. It knocked him to the ground and blood was gushing! We raced to the ER in a panic! He had several staples put in but was otherwise, luckily, okay. Scary though! Glad your hubby is okay.
Hi Mandy! I love your blog and love your spirit and attitude….oh yes, and ya’ll’s Christmas tree! Your hubby did a great job! Probably all that excellent supervising you did, right? 🙂 Thank you for checking out my new blog too. I don’t know about you, but there is something so relaxing about sitting around the Christmas tree all lit and no one talking, no t.v., just silence and soft lights on. I love this time of year! One time I left my tree up til March….when I was still single. It was great! 🙂
I am so sorry about your husband! Thank God he is healing nicely! And I went back and read about your heart surgery! What an inspiration you are! I will pray for continued good health for you, my friend. Your tree looks beautiful!!! Enjoy the cozy!
Wishing you a blessed Christmas season!!
Your poor hubby! Glad the injury wasn’t worse.
He did a fine job on the tree, it looks so nice!
I’m glad you are doing well too and pray this season all goes well.
Love the slippers!
Your husband did a great job on the tree. This year my husband and kids decorated ours while I sat in the recliner and supervised! LOL
So glad your husband is going to be okay. That is a scary injury. Head injuries tend to bleed endlessly. So glad he is okay. I have you have a great week ahead!
I am so glad your husband is going to be ok, that was scary. He did a beautiful job on the tree, and I am really really sorry about your heart attack, and we shall keep you in prayer. Wishing you a lovely week, smiles. OHHHHHHH and I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the slippers.