I’m a little stressed as of late. Summer break is winding down for us, and it’s time to focus on what’s ahead as far as the start of school and some home repairs we need to have done. It’s a lot to think about
The Roof Over My Head
This roof replacement thing is stressing me out greatly. I’ve met with two roofers to get estimates. I have one from the first and still waiting on the other. The first roofer I met with was a very overwhelming experience. Strangely enough, he came highly recommended by several neighbors. He talked a smooth game and told me we had the worst insurance, told me our insurance company was not on our side, and that to get other estimates for this job would just be wasting other roofing companies’ time. He prattled on about his experience representing homeowners in court and a confusing conversation about insurance fraud, and by the time he left, I just wanted to eat a whole bag of Doritos and call it a day. The next roofer was very professional, took measurements, and said he would have an estimate emailed to me soon. Meanwhile, I have a million questions for our insurance adjustor, and I also need to call some tree removal companies to get an estimate for getting a tree hanging over our roof cut down. Amazing how much stress one hail storm can bring into your life. But the bright side? Ehh, I’m still working on that. I guess the bright side is we have insurance. It’s just tough navigating the ins and outs of all this.
Outfitted for Success
Back-to-school time has sneaked up on me this year, which is crazy, considering I used to work in schools not long ago. It hit me last week that I had yet to order the Teen’s uniforms for school, so I had him try on his pants from last year to see if the size was still correct. Well, he needed to go up a size, but the next size up actually went up two sizes instead of one. Crazy, right? So I ordered the bigger size, and of course, we had to have major alterations that are still ongoing as I type this. The thing about my son’s school is that his uniforms have to be ordered from Land’s End. I like Land’s End because I can order his pants to be made to the correct length he needs. He’s on the shorter side, like his mama. Sorry, kid. But the bright side? This will be the last year we buy school uniforms, so there’s that.
And The Supplies….Lawd, the Supplies!
As for school supplies, I have yet to see a list for any of his classes, and school starts next week. It’s like this every year. However, last year I decided that since the school couldn’t provide a list in a timely manner, I wouldn’t be stressing myself out by scrambling for things at the last minute. He started the first week with the essentials, but for the extras they wanted (hand sanitizer, disinfecting spray, etc.), I sent them in as I got to them. It was so much simpler when he was in elementary school. Back then, at the end of the year, parents had the option to purchase a back-to-school pack with everything they would need for the next school year. I’m sure I overpaid for those items, but I didn’t have to run all over creation looking for a blue two-prong folder that was vanilla-scented and played Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 23 in F Minor when opened.
I’m kidding. Only a little. But the bright side? This will be the last year I must buy specialty school supplies for six classes. I hope. Haha!
Just All The Stuff
I’m also having a come-apart (that’s a mental breakdown for the non-Southern people reading this) about organizing and all of the stuff I need to purge. And honestly, it’s not even a whole lot. It’s just all in my head, I know. I’m a neat freak, and if things are out of place or whatnot, I start feeling overwhelmed and like I have to set things right before things can be right. Does that make any sense? I know how ridiculous that sounds. But then, on days when I have the time to start this, it’s usually on a day I am not feeling my best. I’ve had many of those days here lately, and so that’s also been really discouraging. That’s why I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been reading my usual blogs, but I just haven’t been able to collect my thoughts for a post until now.
Yes, I know these are just minor, insignificant problems in the grand scheme of things. I want simple sometimes, and it seems like stressful issues always seem to come right on top of the other, leaving me feeling very overwhelmed. If you’ve read this far, bless you. Yes, I’m a little stressed, but it will get better! I promise to return with happier posts!
I’m sorry you are so stressed and hope you’ve had your bag of Doritos! I get easily overwhelmed and stressed these days. I think I’m getting old!
Hi Mandy. Good luck with your roof repairs. Home repairs and renovations are stressful. We have done a lot of repairs and renovations to the house we are moving to later this week. It’s been a busy and stressful summer. We go back to school next week. I hope you have a good school year. For some reason, I am having a hard time following your blog and commenting, but I will whenever I can. I enjoy reading about what is going on with you. See you again soon!
Hey Deb! I’m so sorry you are having trouble following my blog. I am always happy whenever you pop in! And if anyone knows about home renovation stress, it has to be you! Ya’ll have certainly had a lot going on this summer with your house! I do hope it’s coming along ok. I hope you have a fantastic school year as well!
Hello, my friend. I am sorry about the roof and insurance. I hate dealing with things like that. I pray it goes smoothly. And if you want a bag of Doritos, you have one! Me? It would be Chips Ahoy! Dunked in milk! And the school supplies? Do you remember being little and needing nothing like that? We went to school with a new lunchbox and the teacher gave us a tablet and a pencil! Hugs!
Yes! School was so much simpler back in my day. My husband and I were discussing that the other day. We just showed up with paper, pencils, and a box of new crayons and were good to go! And I might indeed have had several Doritos! Haha! But the cookies sound so much better!
📚💥 I read your hailstorm blog once again after finishing this blog post. Wow, that really leaves an impact! Do tornadoes often follow such hailstorms? We hardly have tornadoes in the Netherlands. Rarely. More often, we get microbursts (valwind in Dutch) and those are scary too.
I understand your stress, even though I’m not in the same situation as you. But hey, it’s okay to have those feelings. You are you! Just don’t forget to take a moment to sit back, take a deep breath, treat yourself to something nice, or so.
Hey Aritha! So good to see you pop in! Yes, we do unfortunately have tornados with these severe storms. Thankfully, we did not have one with this hail storm. I have heard about microbursts as well! I do not like bad weather at all, and I especially hate when it happens at night and I can’t see what’s going on outside. And yes, I have been having to really take some deep breaths here lately! Haha! But it does indeed help!
Here’s hoping things fall into place soon and you can have less stressful days.
Thank you so much! I am just now seeing this comment because your comments went to my spam folder! I think I have fixed that now!
Insurance is no joke. Here in Florida, we got a notice about an increase and if you own your home outright, forget it, nearly impossible to get insurance. ANYWAYS, I hope this week is better for you. Sending many hugs. Been there, done that and still doing it.
Linda, I have heard horror stories about the insurance in Florida! Just terrible! I don’t know why that has to be such a hassle. Ugh! You take care!
I need a bag of Doritos to eat with you:) Trust me —insurance is no game in Florida. If you can even get it, get your checkbook ready. Most everyone I know is in shock over the increase this year. Most had a double of their amount from last year. That was us. And like I said, if you can even find one to take you on. Roofs are no fun either. Both of my kids had to get one for insurance. The upside to that is my son-in-law works for a construction company so knew what they were all getting.
I often wonder if the uniforms don’t cost more than regular clothes, but I have seen what kids are wearing these days so I guess the price is worth on that end as well. I totally get what you mean about all the specialty items for school supplies. I was the teacher who just never had the guts to ask for all that kind of thing. I just went more basic and it all worked out.
Hey Sandy! I have thought of you often lately and hope everything is going ok. I know you have a lot going on. Wow…if our insurance doubled I don’t know what we would do! It’s just terrible. And I guess I’m in the camp that likes school uniforms. Our son has always had to wear them, but it made school clothes shopping so much easier and we never had to worry about what he wore each day! Haha! And bless you for being a sensible teacher! I know the parents of your students really appreciated that. I only have to buy school supplies for one, so I can’t imagine how hectic it must be for parents of more than one.
Getting the new roof sounds like a real hassle. Finding the person you can trust and afford too is not easy.
I hate thinking about back to school. It always comes too quickly!
Yes, this roof is close to doing me in, but I have vowed I WILL NOT LET IT! Haha! I know it’s just a process, but they sure make it a hassle! And yes, I can’t believe school time is upon us again. It seems to creep up sooner as the years fly by!