For the past few months, E.B. has interpreted anyone correcting him or denying him something as purposely “hurting his feelings”. If I tell him it’s time for bed, I’ve “hurt his feelings”. If I tell him no, he cannot go play outside when the heat index is 105, I have also “hurt his feelings”. This child is so in touch with his “feelings” that you’d think he’d been seeing a therapist since he was in utero.
As I sent him off to bed tonight, (which by the way, hurt his feelings, imagine that!), he informed me that if I continued to “hurt his feelings”, that he was going to go spend the night with grandma.
Would it be so wrong of me to pull out his little Thomas the Tank Engine suitcase and help him pack?
poor thing!
love the crisp new look of blog!
I would definitely be helping him to pack! Here my 5 year old says "you are making me sad, Mum, and that's not allowed"! – usually when I have denied him a second or third serving of ice cream, or insisting the tv needs to be turned off 🙂
Love your new blog look!
That wouldn't be wrong at all. 🙂
That's great!
That's great!
That's great!