Good Monday to you! I am in the middle of a household overhaul! I’m finally getting myself together mentally enough to take on this. I have a plan, and on the days when my body will give me a little excess energy, things will happen! I’m excited about everything and looking forward to having some major order to things. I’m also thinking about all of you Florida bloggers and praying you are well while in the thick of Hurricane Debby. Please stay safe!
Last week, my mama, the Teen, and I took my cousin’s two daughters to meet up with my other cousin, her daughter, and my aunt to celebrate the cousin who lives out of town birthday. We just went out to eat at a fun place called Scoops and visited. The girls were excited to be together, and I was happy to see my cousin and aunt. It had been since the Teen’s graduation since I’d seen them last. I ordered a cheeseburger with bacon, BBQ sauce, and onion rings.
It was delicious! Afterward, we got some ice cream and then said our goodbyes. The ride home featured some HILARIOUS conversation, and I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard in so long. Being around kids is funny!
Jake had to have his yearly back shave at the vet on Thursday. He gets these terrible matts in his fur and refuses to let me brush him. I dropped him off that morning, and he was ready for pickup by late afternoon. We thought he would have to be sedated to have it done, but the vet and the groomer gave it their best not to have to. Still, he was VERY uncooperative, and the vet offered to keep him overnight to do the sedation to try and shape up his back so it wouldn’t look so crazy. I knew in my heart he had been through enough trauma, so I picked him up, and yes, he does indeed look like he has been through the ringer! Haha!
Bless it! But he feels so much better and got his flea treatment, so he is good to go now. Jake frequently visits our neighbor, so I told her about the shave in case she saw him and wondered what happened.
I did a lot of reading on this book this week—Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I’ve had this book for years and always meant to read it. I finally got around to it, and I’m almost finished. It’s a great book for learning some good financial principles.
As you know, world events are pointing my mind toward making sure we are prepared in our home. To that end, there will be some major cleaning and cleaning-out happening soon. I came up with a little system of everything I need to do in a week to maintain our home as far as cleaning goes.
I have a page for each floor in the home, and I plan to go through each room, clean it, and then clean out what we no longer need or use. I want to have all of this accomplished by fall. Most things will be done every week, like cleaning toilets, vacuuming, etc., but there are also bigger projects on the list, like going through drawers, cabinets, and closets. I have so much stuff- lots of office supplies from my librarian days, etc. It’s got to go. I hung onto it, thinking I might feel strong enough to return to work someday, but that hasn’t happened. So, it’s time to pass things along to someone who can use them well.
Since cleaning our home now takes me longer, I want to streamline things to make it easier to maintain. I also want to continue ensuring we are well-stocked with what we use the most. Knowing everything is in order just makes me happy and calm. I just feel like we are going to need lots more happy and calm in the coming months. Are you feeling the same?
What are you up to this week? Hope your Monday is a good one!
Time with your family in the car sounds like so much fun! Those belly laugh moments are the best, and yes, kids can be incredibly funny! I also think it’s great that you have a thorough list. Crossing off those chores feels so satisfying, doesn’t it? All the best as you work towards getting them all done. I’m sure you’ll do great!
Yes, those kids are hilarious! YOU work with the best age group. When I was a librarian, the preschool classes were my absolute favorite! Everything is so fresh and new to them, and they are so fun!
I do these type of lists too. A little a day goes a long way. I just can’t do the whole house in one day like I did in my younger days.
I hear ya, Sandy! I am definitely on the “do what you can plan” around my house! Haha!
I am such a list gal too and have been making them for so many things! The wedding coming up, home projects, sending my girl off to college etc. There is just something about crossing a chore off your list that is so satisfying! I hope all the overhaul projects are going well for you too.
I know Matt read that book and said it’s a really good one too! Blessings always dear Friend.
Yes, I love crossing things off because it really makes me feel like I am accomplishing things! I am almost finished with my book! Yay!
I’m all about the to do lists. And, spending time in the car listening to the kids & their friends is always an absolute highlight for me. They are hilarious.
It’s so interesting to hear these kids talk about everything. Their world views are so different than when I was their age. I just love to hear their slang and takes on things.
Sounds like a fun family gathering and that cheeseburger looks delicious! I like your plans to sort through and clean all your rooms. Your lists look very comprehensive and I’m sure you’ll get it all done by fall.
Oh, that cheeseburger was wonderful! I am really determined to get these things done, no matter how long it takes me. And it may be a while! Haha!
I agree of needing the calm! I have been doing a little organizing and cleaning too, but need to do lots more.
It really never ends, does it? Haha! I’m having a hard time with the sentimental stuff. I sort of follow the Minimalists and I know I can take pictures of things, etc., but it’s definitely and area I find challenging.
I love your lists! And I am doing the same. Since we live partially in two places now, I have been motivated to purge/donate many things rather than move them. SO many things I held on to for sentimental reasons…It felt right then. Now, I realize that things don’t replace memories, you know? Plus, my kids are less sentimental than I am! They ask why I kept their used baby bibs, birthday party supplies from every birthday party, and so much more! I am right there with you!
Yes, you certainly have a lot to keep up with at two places! I know now more than ever it really pays to be organized. I was just telling Marilyn that the sentimental things are what hinder my cleaning out the most. I’m thinking of making a box for just that stuff (mostly letters, etc) and let that be that! Haha!
Lists – what would we do without them? LOL – good plan. I think many are in the same mindset right now.
Poor kitty – I hope that makes him feel better. Lucky that mine love getting brushed.
I wish Jake was a lovey-cat. He is so attitudinal! I call it catitudinal! Haha! But, I still love him. He can have his sweet moments.
Ah, those lists! Exactly what I was talking about in our last two posts. Yours looks quite intense, but worth it!
I probably shouldn’t break everything down into such tedious tasks, but I’m so weird that way! Haha!
Your outing sounds like a great time with good food.
Good for you working on the organization. I like your list and should do that myself. It really helps.
“Rich Dad, Poor Dad” is a classic and offers some good common-sense advice. Sometimes, we’re organized and have lists like yours. Other times, we’re not. Right now, we’re more in the reaction phase than the planning phase. It does feel great to have a plan. Good luck with yours.
Oh gosh, I need to do this. I have to say I try to do this every few years and then somehow the house gets cluttered again. I love your list idea, I do that with my decorating projects for each room. I should do the same for cleaning up and out.