Well, I didn’t want to announce I was home alone on my blog a couple of weeks ago, but y’all…I was home alone! Hubby and The Teen took a road trip to Texas to check on Hubby’s uncle, who is in the hospital. This uncle raised Hubby (with his aunt, who is no longer with us), so he is more like a father to Hubby. I had to stay behind because I don’t travel long distances well, and I was also a little hesitant to leave my mama behind, so they made a father/son trip out of it, and they had a great time. They linked up with Hubby’s sisters, who live in Houston, and they all traveled in two vehicles down to the Valley to check on their uncle. They stayed in a hotel/resort and had a blast swimming and catching up. The Teen even got to see some of Hubby’s old schools he attended when he was a child, and they stumbled upon a military museum, which was right up their alley!
This isn’t the first time Hubby and The Teen have traveled without me, but I always feel a little lonely when they are gone for a few days. Of course, I spent some time with my mama, but a lot of the time, I was here by myself. Well, Jake was here, and he was a huge comfort! Haha! The weather was super hot and disrespectful, so I stayed in mostly, watched YouTube videos, played games on my iPad, read message boards, read blogs, read books, and cleaned. I had Girl Dinner every night (AKA…whatever I wanted) and just puttered about. However, I was so happy to see them when they came home. It’s nice to get some time to myself, but I prefer having them home!
Happy Anniversary
Hubby made it home just in time for our 25th anniversary. He was wiped out from traveling, so we decided to have an anniversary lunch instead of dinner.
We went to The Warehouse, one of our favorite spots, and I had my usual sandwich and broccoli salad. It was delicious. Then, that evening, we went to Walmart to get what we needed for the 4th of July. It was not particularly romantic, but that’s life! Haha!
A Happy July 4th
We had our 4th of July at my mama’s house during lunch.
Hubby got up that morning, fired up the grill, and cooked a ton of meat! We had chicken, steak, hamburgers, and hot dogs. We also brought baked beans, and my mama provided the potato salad and pasta salad. My two aunts, a cousin, and a family friend joined us. The food was amazing, and we had SO much left over. We had 4th of July food for a couple of days after! Haha! That evening was pretty tame. We heard a few fireworks, but not many, and I think the extreme heat deterred a lot of that.
Summer Heat
My crepe myrtles finally bloomed out, and they looked beautiful for about a week, but the heat has really done a number on them! Everything around here is looking super crispy! I’ve been watering my plants in the front yard and praying daily for rain. Tuesday was absolutely amazing here. It was very cloudy all day, and the wind was whipping! The high only got to 81 degrees. I’m guessing it was from the remnants of Hurricane Beryl as it moved inland. We weren’t in the direct path, but just to the east of it as it moved upward. It sure was a needed reprieve from this sweltering heat. We checked in with Hubby’s sisters, and they were doing okay but lost power. I pray they will get it restored soon and for everyone dealing with the aftermath of this storm.
This week has been a slow one so far. I’m not 100%, so I’m moving slowly to accomplish what I need to do, and that’s ok. The library is having a book sale on Friday and Saturday, and I’ve wanted to go check out some books anyway, so we will hopefully do that. Hope the rest of your week is a good one.
That’s nice that your husband and son got to spend some father/son time together on the trip, even though you missed them. I love it when my daughter visits me, but, I’m perfectly happy being on my own, too. Dancer keeps me company, of course.
Yes, I am so glad you have Dancer. My Jake was a huge company to me, too. I’m sure I looked funny talking to the cat so much while they are gone! Haha!
I’m not a big fan of being home alone either. The house is quieter now, with our empty nest, and I’m getting used to it, but honestly, I’m much happier when the house is full. Happy Anniversary!!
Thanks for the anniversary wishes! Yes, I mush prefer to have my people home than being alone! Haha!
It’s a weird feeling being home all alone, isn’t it? It does not happen to me very often, just a few hours at a time when Barb goes to Rapid for the day. I cannot remember the last time I spent a night in our house without her. Maybe never!
It’s so weird because I was home alone a LOT when we were in our first few years of marriage, but after we had our son, it just felt different to be here by myself.
Hello! Yes, I enjoy my alone time. It is nice to do whatever I want, but I am always happy to have my people home! Enjoy the weekend, my friend. And Happy Belated Anniversary!
Thanks for the anniversary wishes! I hope you had a wonderful weekend, too! Thanks so much for stopping in!
Alone time can be nice for short periods. I’m glad you found things to do and that your husband and son had a good time.
I like that “whatever you want to eat” idea!
Yes, girl dinner makes me very happy!! Haha! I think having to plan a meal and prepare it to please everybody deserves a break every now and then! Haha! So glad you stopped in!
Enjoyed catching up. A little alone time is always nice, but always good to get back to the family too. Your anniversary sounds like outs. We usually do Whataburger. Ha. Sign of a good marriage I say.
I agree, Sandy! Haha! We’ve always been very lowkey about celebrations, and like y’all, we are totally ok with it.
Happy Anniversary!
Some quiet time is nice, but not for too long! Glad they are back and all is well.
Thanks Mari! I enjoyed being able to catch up with blogs, like yours, while I had some extra time.
Sometimes it is nice to have that quiet time to one’s self. I have it all the time now (sadly), but I remember when just chilling out had different meaning. Your 4th sounds wonderful and so does the food.
I’m so glad you have your kitties to help keep you company, although I know it’s just not the same. Having my Jake cat here helped a little.
I used to enjoy my time alone when my husband and sons were on Boy Scout outings. I usually tried to work on a big project that I could do without being interrupted, but I would be happy to see them when they returned.
Yes! It’s definitely good for being able to concentrate on a different level. I totally get that! And yes, welcoming them home gave me something to look forward to.
Glad you got to enjoy your girl dinner! Yes, I think we all enjoyed the cooler weather this week, although I know it was rough for people further south. Enjoy your day!
I just wish my guys appreciated girl dinner as much as I do! Haha!