E.B.: “Hey Mama, why did dat man crash his car? Hey, Mama, Are we goin’ to da shoparama today? I want to buy some toys and you can go play golf with Pawpaw when you be good and Hey, Mama, we take a nap at school and I want a Lunchable because that’s what Riley has at school and you take a nap after lunch and Hey, Mama, you picked me up at carpool and why did it rain today and why we cant go out on the playground because it’s wet and you might get hurt and look, look at my boo-boo I fell down and I cried and Hey, Mama,……..”
This is a 4 year old thing, right? Right? Because my child….the child that is in speech therapy, the child who was a late talker, is talking my ears off! We’ve recently had a language explosion (Praise God!) and he hasn’t stopped to take a deep breath since. He talks from the minute we get up until he literally talks himself to sleep. It’s funny and exhausting all at the same time.
So, Hey Mama’s….can you relate? This is totally 4 year old little boy normal, right? Right?
Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful says
Absolutely! I have one of those, but she's 3…and she doesn't ever stop! From the minute she wakes up at the crack of dawn until she talks her and her baby sister to sleep at night!
I was cracking up reading his little diatribe. sounds oddly familiar.
stacey says
he's got lots to say!!
MelADramatic Mommy says
My son will be 7 in November. He starts as soon as his feet touch the floor and doesn't stop until bedtime.
Don Mills Diva says
Yup normal – my son is not quite four and he never stops talking. NEVER.
Keetha says
Definitely. My son is almost eight and he still talks that much. 🙂
Blessed says
Um… my little one is two and she's already doing this – if anyone can tell me why the sky is blue I'd really appreciate it!
TheAngelForever says
Goes with the age and continues above and beyond 4. Later I will have to tell you about the question my son asked last night in the car. Let's just say hubby and I were unable to reply.
CFMama says
Hehe, cute. Can't wait for my lil one to drive me crazy with constant questions.
JanMary says
Oh yes – my 4 year old (almost 5 now!) is also in speech therapy and the questions come in a constant stream……