Happy March! Wow- Time is flying! We have had some gorgeous weather lately! I was sitting outside in SHORTS on Friday and Saturday! It was sunny, slightly breezy, about 78 degrees, and just perfect! But alas, it’s somewhat chilly again. We even have some potentially severe weather heading in on Tuesday. I’ll be keeping a check on that for sure!
The obligatory March Beanie Babies….
I realize I failed to post them for January and February. I know, I know. I’m sure you are all devastated, haha!
With this gorgeous weather, I have been watching my birds! I get up so excited to feed them each morning. Bird seed has become a weekly staple on the grocery list now. I also found out about a fantastic app for birdwatchers! It’s called Merlin Bird ID.
I just have to go outside, wait for the birds to start singing, and press record. The app will display all the birds it hears from listening and even light up each bird’s name in yellow as it sings. The other day, I had seven or eight different birds in my yard! And sure enough, this app got every single one of them correct! It’s helping me learn how to identify birds by their calls, as well as helping me identify some I didn’t know. You can also save the birds to a list to keep track of all the different ones you see. If you enjoy birdwatching, I highly recommend this app!
Some of my latest customers:
A pair of doves
Even the squirrels love the bird food because it has peanuts in it! Haha! I hate that the camera on my phone doesn’t take such great pictures when I have to zoom in.
Spring Cleaning
Hubby helped me clean the laundry room on Saturday, which took hours and turned into a big job. I had to take a nap in between working, but it’s so much more functional now. I had a big shelving system, which was great for storage but also made opening the cabinet doors in there hard. It felt cramped, and it was hard to get to things, so I whittled everything down and purged many things. The shelving system found its new home out in our storage shed. Now, I can quickly get to what I need and have much more room. I’m glad we got that taken care of.
Speaking of which, I need to make myself a list of all the tasks we need to do for spring cleaning. I miss having the energy and stamina to take care of these things easily, but I’m so thankful I have some help!
March Plans
I was just reviewing my calendar for this month, and it’s filling up! Three different appointments for my Mama, all out of town. She and I joke all the time that we need to just sell our houses and move closer to her specialist.
I can get part two of my shingles vaccine this month. I’ve picked a day during spring break so that I can just be utterly useless if I have to and not worry about getting up and pushing myself to get my son off to classes. I wasn’t helpless when I got the first one, but I want to give myself some grace in case I need it.
March 21 will be the day I can finally wear some real earrings! It will be six weeks since I had them pierced again, so I’m looking forward to wearing new ones!
Well, I guess that’s enough for today. This post is all over the place, but I wanted to get one posted earlier in the week. I haven’t been very consistent with my blogging, but life keeps lifing, y’all! Haha!
Spring cleaning is such a good feeling! Isn’t it crazy how quickly our calendars fill up? I drank lots and lots of water, much more than usual, a day before and the day of getting my shot. It seemed to help. Have a good evening!
Hello my Lovely!
Jealous of your lovely weather – but at least we’re finally getting moments in the northwoods. I love to spend the time outside when we do listening to the birds too. They’re such healing in nature isn’t there?
Love your beanies – so cute!
Did some Spring cleaning over here this weekend too and got out decorations too. IF it’s not Spring outside yet….might as well enjoy it inside, right? 😉
Blessings. xo
Watching the birds and squirrels is an everyday joy of mine. So much entertainment.
We still aren’t warm enough for shorts – hopefully soon.
Watching birds is one of my favorite things. I actually fell down down the street one day. I had Gus, the Springer on a leash and was looking up in to a tree at one and fell down because I stepped into a hole that I did know was there but I wasn’t paying attention to. Gus looked back at me, like what the heck is wrong with you, Mom. I have since then stopped to look up:)
I know what you mean about appointments…between me and my mom and now my hubby I feel like sometimes is appointment overload. Good job on the laundry room. It always feels good to get a project like that behind you.
I love that bird app! What a great idea. We have very few birds around yet, but hopefully soon!
I just put out some Spring decor in the house. So nice to be approaching warm weather.
We’re also doing some cleaning here. Good for you for getting some done. It feels so good!