My little blog turns 5 today. 5. I don’t think I’ve ever stuck with anything for 5 years. Well, except my husband, parenthood, and dance classes as a child. So obviously, the fact that I still love doing this means just that….it must be love.
There are some bloggers who might say that they blog for themselves. I do blog for myself, but it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun without the readers who come to visit and leave comments, especially those of you who have been here with me for a long time. Sometimes I get sentimental for those “old days of blogging” and I read through my old posts and comments. It makes me smile. I also miss some of those people that used to stop in who no longer blog.
Annnnnyway, before this gets all sappy and sentimental, just know that I appreciate each one of you who stop in here to read. Thank you for 5 fabulous years! Here’s to 5 more!
Congrats and Happy Blogiversary! I agree with Terra – that is QUITE an accomplishment! I too go back through old posts and get all sentimental – and thats after less than 2 years! lol
Five years is quite an accomplishment. Congrats! I enjoy reading your blog and hope you continue to do so for a long time.
Thank you, Terra! YOU have been here a long time with me, too! I love seeing you stop in! 🙂
Happy Blogiversary to you! Always love reading your posts and catching up. Now to meet up one of these days 🙂
Thank you, Beth! YOU are one of my long time readers I was referring to. I love that we have been reading each others’ blogs for all these years. And I do hope we can really meet up someday! That would be so much fun!