And so, graduation week begins here! It’s only Wednesday, and this mama has been for a WILD ride on the emotional roller coaster of life! It’s all good, of course, but man! Here’s what we’ve been up to so far.
Baccalaureate on Sunday
Graduation week officially kicked off on Sunday when The Teen’s class had their baccalaureate service at the First Baptist Church. This was our first glimpse of the kids in their caps and gowns, and whew, boy! Seeing the Teen in a nice shirt and tie when he is always in a school uniform was so special! I really did okay emotionally at this function. The church was absolutely packed, and it was a nice service and reception. We took a few pictures!
We finished up at the reception, and since it was Cinco de Mayo, we headed to a local Mexican restaurant to grab a bite to eat! They had fun-colored chips, and I might have had a margarita! Haha!
Class Night
Monday was Class Night at the school. The kids had to wear only their gowns and stoles, no caps. This was where they handed out academic awards and scholarships and showed the senior slide show for the class. I knew I would probably cry during the slideshow, but I was completely unprepared for this night.
When the representative from the community college that The Teen applied and got accepted to came up to announce scholarships, we were FLOORED when she called out his name for a full tuition scholarship! We had NO idea he was getting it! We are SO excited for him, and I have to say, it is such a huge blessing since we are a one-income household now. I cried. And then I cried through the rest of the ceremony. I didn’t stop crying until about 10:00 PM, well after the ceremony was over! Haha! I am so grateful and extremely proud of him and his hard work!
The Rest of the Week
The Teen has graduation practice on Friday morning, and graduation is Friday night! I will spend the next few days making sure his gown is steamed and wrinkle-free again and running last-minute errands to ensure we are all set! His graduation dinner is Saturday evening, and two of Hubby’s sisters and their kids will be coming to stay with us Saturday night so they can make his dinner. They couldn’t come in for the graduation ceremony (they live in Texas), but they still wanted to see him, so we are excited for them to come!
I will be back next week to recap the festivities and catch up. I haven’t posted much because it has been super busy here, but I am still following along with my regular blog reading. It’s a nice way to unwind at night after these crazy days! Haha!
What a busy week. You have to be one proud momma. Hope they treat you well on Mother’s Day!
Congratulations to your son on his graduation and the full scholarship! What a wonderful achievement! He looks good in his cap and gown and you look lovely and radiant! Enjoy the rest of the week’s activities and post when you can!
Congratulations to your son! What an incredible honor and surprise!!!! You look beautiful, my friend. Enjoy these days. Pack some tissue!
I find the photos so beautiful, you radiate and look so proud with him. I think that’s amazing. How exciting for you all.
Oh Momma – I feel ya! I have so much of this all coming up in the next month. Ugh! Hold me? and I’ll hold you? Lol It’s such a bittersweet time of pride and excitement and sadness of a whole chapter ending. But I know you’re like me, in that we’re both so grateful for the blessings of these sweet beings in our life and all they will yet bring to the world.
Btw – congrats to your son on his scholarship…that’s awesome!! 🌟
If you’re anything like me, you’ll have a few more times of tears during this big time of adjustment. It’s a mixed feeling of being excited for your child to be entering into a new phase of life, but there’s lots of nostalgia for all the years before.
Your son looks so distinguished in his cap and gown and congrats on the scholarship. Enjoy the rest of the week, and don’t forget to take a break every once in a while.
How exciting for you all. He is so handsome! What a great honor on the scholarship!! Congrats.
Enjoy each and every moment that you can – this a once in a lifetime thing!
Enjoy this special time. I loved that our church held a baccalaureate service and lunch. All graduates received tie blankets from members and it was just so special. Good luck to your son.