Friday at 3:15 PM, my 9 day Thanksgiving holiday break from work started and, let me tell you, I was TOO excited to see it coming. I’ve been very busy at work organizing two closets in my library, lesson planning, the usual classroom work, and also planning a Battle of the Books, a reading fair, and a spelling bee. I’m dizzy just thinking about it all, so I’m not going to for the next week. My poor brain needs a rest!
I did the grocery shopping Saturday so I could settle in for the rest of the week and work at home. Cleaning, blogging, and organizing MORE closets. Wait….that sounds really familiar….like work. And speaking of the store…..
All of the Hostess Twinkies and Ding Dongs have been completely wiped out of our local Kroger. I guess someone feared withdrawals. It’s still kind of hard to believe there will be no more Hostess.
My shopping partner was loads of help.
He talked himself (and me!) silly until he fell asleep. I love that little guy. Who isn’t so little anymore, but he still fits in the front of the shopping cart.
Pearl (our female cat) scored herself a nice cat tent this week. I had originally purchased it for our male cat, Clyde, but Pearl has claimed it, so I guess I have to order another one.
Last weekend I had lunch at a local bistro with the ladies in our family (mom’s side) and I ate this and enjoyed every single, sinful bite of it.
And then THESE fell in my shopping cart at Walgreens. I swear!
So what’s been going on with you?
What a sad day….we stocked up on Mini Muffins because my boys LOVE them!
That cat tent is pretty neat. All our local stores are sold out of Twinkies too. I’m amazed at how much they’re selling for on Ebay.