It’s been a busy week or more here at home. My sole focus has been on getting The Teen ready for college. Should I even call him “The Teen” anymore?? I’ve got to come up with another moniker for him on the blog. Anyway, that’s why I haven’t posted in several days. I cannot multi-task well, and blogging just doesn’t happen quickly for me, so here we are! Ha!
Starting College
We got our son started at college this week, and so far so good! We have some very early mornings, waking up at 5 AM to have time to get ready, grab a quick bite, and get him to the bus on time to leave at 6:30 AM. He gets back around 3:00 PM, so it’s a long day. He’s been hitting the bed at 9:00 PM, so that’s earlier than he’s used to, but he’s tired by then. He likes all of his classes, has seen some friends from high school, and has started meeting new people. He loves the campus and has spent his free time there walking around and getting to know where everything is. The cafeteria is awesome! They have different cuisine stations, so there is always something amazing available! He has been sending me pictures of his meals. Haha!
One thing that has been quite a shock to us has been the price of his textbooks. I know textbooks can be expensive, but they have tremendously increased since I went to college. His psychology book alone was $200! YIKES! But, all in all, he loves his classes and is excited about being there. That’s all I could really hope for. I’m so thankful this has been a smooth transition for him. My anxiety about it all has nearly done me in. Mamas will always worry about their children.
Turning 50
In other news, I turned 50 on Tuesday! My best friend turned 50 a week before me, and this is a picture of us from her birthday get-together at a local restaurant.
Sadly, I did not take turning 50 well. Haha. I have been so wound up about getting The Teen all set for starting college and worrying so much that I’ve been weepy and just a mess. I caught on to the fact that my mama and Hubby were planning a surprise birthday party, and I nearly had a come-apart. Any other time, I’d love a good surprise party. But my hormones were just getting the best of me around that time, so I begged them to please not do anything big because I just couldn’t. We ended up having a very small gathering of my best friend and a few family members. We just went out to eat and that was that!
Looking back, I’m sad I wasn’t up for something more. I would have loved to have seen some other family members. But I was just tapped out emotionally, and I know my limits. I did appreciate that they wanted to do something like that for me. It was a sweet idea! But hubby got me a great and handy gift for my birthday!
I had this fan on my wishlist at Amazon! Haha! Since I’m going through “that season” of my older life, I stay pretty hot. I can’t tell you how much this has helped me sleep better! I was miserable for a few weeks, with major insomnia and getting maybe four hours of sleep at night. This fan has made all the difference, and I am sleeping so deeply and comfortably now. And the best part? It has a remote control and timer. I set the timer for two hours, and it shuts off once I’m in a deep sleep.
When I was ordering groceries to be delivered on Tuesday morning, I decided to get some cupcakes for my birthday, just for us to have in the house. When I went outside to retrieve my grocery order, this is what they looked like:
I certainly hope those cupcakes aren’t a sign of what’s to come in my 50’s! Haha!
I Watched TV
Let’s see. What else? Oh! I started watching a new series on Apple TV called Palm Royale. I was hesitant to start a new series after the whole fiasco with The Swans, but I loved this one and binged it in two days!
Set in 1969, outsider Maxine Dellacorte-Simmons (Kristen Wiig) strives to attain a place in the high society of Palm Beach, Florida, through the town’s most exclusive country club, the Palm Royale, in the process learning what she will and won’t do to achieve this status.[6]
It’s so funny, but there is some slight language and adult themes. Sadly, I think language and adult themes are the norm in everything nowadays unless you watch family-geared channels. Anyway, the clothing used was gorgeous, and I really enjoyed it. I’ve read that it has been renewed for a second season, so I will definitely be watching.
So, that’s what I have been up to over the last week or so. I’ve been reading along with the blogs I follow, but I’ve not been a great commenter. I hope next week will be better and that I can get back to enjoying blogging and reading blogs. I hope you are all doing well!
Happy 50th & cheers on getting the teen off to college! So happy to hear that he likes everything & is enjoying the transition. The college Sam is going to has sent out several emails with cheaper options for students on books. All books have numerous copies at the library, many professors try to create downloads for different chapters, they have copies you can borrow all semester, etc. Other options to consider for next semester!
Happy Birthday! I had to chuckle at your description of getting The Teen off for school every day. You could have been describing his first day of kindergarten, or his first day off college!
Happy belated birthday beautiful Momma!
I think we are living life in tandem in so many ways. I’m a little older than you – but when I turned 50 I was having a hard time too. I found out my Mom and best friend were working on a surprise thing and I made it clear to my friend how much that wouldn’t work for me. So we ended up having a very small family gathering instead and I was grateful. Lol But please know, so far, the 50’s have been the best for me! I turn 53 pretty soon.
Also, feeling the pain of a college student and dealing with life in a new normal. It’s such a bittersweet time of pride and grief, isn’t it?
Just know I wish you so many blessings for the year ahead. Grateful to have found you in blogland life here. Have a wonderful rest of your week!
Happy belated birthday! Too funny about the cupcakes!
I’m glad that your son is adjusting well to college and enjoying it. Yes, text books are very expensive! I remember when my daughter had to buy her books. She tried to buy second hand books when she could, but, even so, they amounted to quite a lot, each semester.
Hooray for the Teen! Glad college has been going well for him. Yes, the books are ridiculous which I remember from my daughters. Seems like someone is ripping us off…
It was nice you could spend time with your friend and that fan sounds like a great gift.
Happy Birthday! A friend at work also turned 50 last week and she had a hard time too. I’m 63 so 50 sounds positively young! But I remember…
Wishing you a happy belated birthday! I will be 58 next March. And let me tell you, I did not react very well to the 57, lol.
Yes, textbooks are expensive…wishing you son well. Have a beautiful day friend.
I remember turning 50. It is a monumental time, especially when you’re dealing with other issues. I’m glad that the teenager is transitioning well with college. I’m appalled at the price of that textbook! What book, no matter how good should cost $200!
The fan looks very handy. You will enjoy it. I remember “that time” well.
I hope things are more on an even keel for you emotionally now. Hang in there, girl.
And belated Happy Birthday!
Happy 50th!! Welcome to my decade!! Haha!! I hope it’s a fabulous day, week, year…decade for you! Glad to hear your son is doing so well at school. That is the true gift!
Thanks, Kim! And yes, knowing he is happy and content makes ME happy and content!
Happy 50th. I do hope the 50’s bring you more than fallen over cupcakes:) I found the latter half of the 50’s were easier to swallow than the first half. But then the 60’s arrive and they make you feel old. But, everyday is a gift. I don’t particularly like a fuss made over me, so I totally get it.
I am glad your “young adult” is liking his new phase of life.
I am going to have to check out the show you spoke of. I really like things set in that time period and rarely do you see that.
Thank you, Sandy! I sure hope it’s uphill from here, at least emotionally! Haha!! You do need to check out that show! I loved it! I just could not get over the amazing fashion from back then.
Happy belated birthday to you! Nothing says turning 50 like getting a new fan, ha! What a perfect gift. Hope you enjoy your weekend after a long week.