My little short guy turned 7 last Friday. I think a week to process this fact in my blown little mind (mah bay-bee is alll grown upppppp!!! *sniff*) is sufficient enough time to embrace it and become resigned to the fact that this really does happen to kids and someday he will sprout his little birdy wings and fly the nest and have the audacity to bring home some girl and tell me he is going to marry her. The very idea!
So, this is what 7 years old looks like at his bowling party:
And THIS is what birthday cake looks like after it’s served to kids:
Why do they do this? And my son is the world’s worst about it. I mean, I know the frosting is the best part, but I told my husband we could get off way cheaper just buying the kids individual tubs of cake frosting and handing them a spoon. Would that be so bad?
Happy belated birthday to your kiddo. I can not believe how the kids are growing up before our eyes . . . make them stop! Hope the birthday boy had a great day.
Thanks Beth! I know…it seems so unreal to see all of these “bloggy babies” I started seeing pictures of years ago to be growing into kids! It blows my mind!
Don’t remind me. My Ro will be seven in March — 10 days after I turn 41 (when the hell did THAT happen??). My baby girl…I’m not sure I can do it. She keeps saying “I’m a big girl now, mommy”. NO SHE’S NOT! She’s my baby girl and will be until the end of time. And her bringing a boy home someday? Uhh, can I lock her away til she’s 35?
I have no idea why kids lick the icing off everything first. Yesterday was someone’s birthday in her class and when I picked her up, she was sucking the icing off the cupcake like it was an ice cream cone. And she had bright pink icing up her nose.
that’s some mound of puffy cheetos!!
Ha! I used to think that about cookie dough when we had teens over at our house every week. Just stick a bowl of it out with a bunch of spoons…BAKED cookies are overrated
Happy birthday to EB!
Haha, the frosting is the best part after all! Happy birthday to your son. Looks like he had a great one!