After last week’s post, I finally had my “Get it together, girl!” moment and have become a little more productive. I just wanted to say a sincere thank you to those who left encouraging comments. It really meant so much, and it makes blogging so worth it. When I first started blogging, I loved interacting with my readers and reading others’ blogs. Then, my blog veered off into more sponsored posts and reviews, and that sense of community was really lost. Over the last year, I have returned to 99% more personal blogging and have loved connecting with new readers and bloggers. So many blogs I started reading over 16 years ago have disappeared. Sometimes I can’t even believe mine is still here, but it’s always been one of my very favorite creative things just for myself. So if you are reading this, just know I appreciate you stopping in!
Spring Beanies
With Easter right around the corner, I had to take the time to put out my Easter and Spring Beanie Babies! I could have added so many more to this picture, but I feel two or three are a good number to put out on my mantle for each season or holiday. As with all of my Beanie Babies, these were purchased over twenty years ago and are finally coming out of hiding! People laugh about them and recall the great Beanie Babies boom and bust, but I have always loved them and am glad I saved my collection.
On The Puzzle Table
I completed another puzzle this weekend.
This Ravensburger Vintage Fairground Fun was a puzzle I’d had my eye on. I just loved the bright colors and anything related to a carnival or fair. I purchased mine on eBay and was sad that one piece was missing. It’s not terribly noticeable because the piece is dark green, and it just happens that the card table I use to do puzzles on is dark green. Ha! But, if I donate it, I will put a little note on the box saying that a piece is missing. I may keep it as a boredom buster someday down the road. It still ended up being a beautiful puzzle, and you can’t beat that Ravensburger quality. I never thought I would turn into such a fan of doing jigsaw puzzles, but here I am! I’m waiting on my next puzzle to arrive. Another eBay pre-owned purchase. I really wish our thrift store had more puzzles. I run across one every now and then, but not as regularly as I’d like. I may pop in this week and see if I can find one.
Ready For The Week
This week will be a short school week for the Teen as he will be out of school for Good Friday and the Monday after. I need to take him to get some uniform shorts hemmed, and I also need to be looking for something to wear for my high school class’s night out. It’s not a big reunion. Some people still live here, and some will be in town for an arts and crafts festival, so we put the word out that anyone who wanted to get together and eat dinner would. We have about twenty signed up so far, some I haven’t seen in a while, so I’m looking forward to catching up with my classmates. This year marks 31 years since we graduated high school. It just seems like yesterday in my mind! We’ve had a reunion every ten years, and I’ve made it to each one so far.
Do you still go to your class reunions? That’s my question of the day for anyone reading! I’d love to hear about your experiences with that!
It’s always inspiring to see someone motivated and productive, and it’s great to see that the encouragement of others has helped this blogger get back to personal blogging. It’s easy to get caught up in sponsored posts and reviews I think. But there’s something special about connecting with readers and other bloggers on a personal level.
The completed Ravensburger puzzle is a work of art, even with one missing piece. It’s always frustrating when a puzzle is missing a piece, but it’s a great idea to keep it as a boredom buster
It sounds like you have a busy week ahead with their son’s school break and their high school class reunion. It’s always exciting to catch up with old classmates and see how everyone’s doing.
We have never been to a class reunion. Neither of us wants too. Wishing you a beautiful Easter Sunday.
Thanks, Linda! It was a good one!
Love the puzzle and the Beanie Babies. Boom or bust if they make you smile that’s all that matters! I love the relationships I’ve built from blogging. I’ll admit that I have monetized my blog, but I refuse to let go of that personal touch. I think sometimes it keeps me from being successful as some others, but maybe I measure success in different way! And reunions! I went to my 10th, 20th and 30th and had a ball at every one of them.
Kim, you have an outstanding balance of monetization and personalization. That’s what I love about your blog!
Hi Mandy!
I know what you mean about blogland being a creative outlet. I’m so glad there’s still some of us here.
I love your beanie babies – they’re SO adorable and perfect for the season.
I wish I had more patience for puzzles because they turn out so pretty. Love that one!
Blessings on your week and for a happy Easter. xoxo
Aww, thanks, Carrie! Your blog is one of my favorites to read! You have such beautiful pictures! Thanks so much for stopping in!
That puzzle looks great and you really don’t notice the missing piece. The beanie babies look cute.
Hope you have a good week, Mandy.
Thanks Bless! You too!!
Hi Mandy! I’m glad you are sticking with your blog….I enjoy reading it even if I rarely comment! I’m thinking of shutting mine down, especially as the weather gets better. Your puzzle is awesome, it reminds me of our Alaska State Fair which is very small scale of stuff compared to larger state fairs. But fun and perfect people watching place! I graduated in 1961 and have never gone to a class reunion. I wouldn’ t know anyone if they have changed as much as I have. It would be that classic picture where we all are looking in the room and wondering, “Who are those OLD people?” lol! Have a great rest of the week!
So glad you stopped in, Sandy! I hope you will keep your blog up and just come back to it if you get too busy! I love reading your thoughts!
I love Beanie Babies and my children and I used to collect them. I still have a stash of them downstairs. A couple of my granddaughters enjoy them too. The puzzle is great. So glad that you got it finished. I enjoy puzzles too. Yes, the sense of community in blog land is great. I am having a hard time following your blog for some reason, so I may miss some posts, but I enjoy seeing what is going on in your world. Enjoy your high school meet-up reunion. I went to my last high school reunion and it was kind of a “been there, done that” moment for me. I don’t think I would go back to another one, but then I moved in the middle of my junior year in high school so never got to development those long-term friendships that one often has by the time one gets to high school. I hope you have a great week. See you again soon!
Yay! So glad you like Beanie Babies, too! Gosh, it was such a crazy time collecting them in the late ’90s and early 2000s.
I am so glad you are here in BlogWorld! Many have left, as you said, but I also enjoy the sense of community and the true friendships I have made. I love your Beanie Babies! One of my girls has the purple one in the middle, making me think of decorating their rooms with them every holiday! Have a wonderful day!
Billie Jo, would you believe I found a duplicate of that exact same Beanie yesterday?! Haha! I guess I didn’t realize I already had one when I got the other one. Oh well! Ha! I’m glad you are in Blog World, too! Your blog is one of my must-reads!!