Both of my parents who are in their 60’s are now on Facebook. My mom has been on there awhile and has learned just about everything there is to know. She also regularly checks up on me there and reminds me to, “Please don’t be tellin’ your private business on there….you don’t know who all reads that….” on a regular basis. My personal philosophy on blogging and Facebooking is that if I won’t stand up in church and say it, then it’s not something I’ll be writing about. That little PSA from her always gets the big, “God, Mom, I’m 35-freakin’ years old. I think I know right from wrong by now…”
Anyway, Mom’s a pro. Dad? Not so much. My mother signed him up and suggested he add people as friends. Tonight I went over to help him figure it out since he sounded a little outdone with the whole thing. Our tutorial included the following:
Dad: “Why do people keep sending me drinks? Where’s the drink?”
Me: Dad….I can block all of that for you.
Dad: “Good! I can’t stand that. Why does Joe Blow want to be my friend? Who the hell is that?”
Me: It’s someone Mom knows….all you have to do is ignore them. You don’t have to be their friend. But let me add some people you do know. (Adds people) OK, now we just have to wait for them to accept your friend request.
Dad: “DO WHAT? So-and-So doesn’t want to be MY friend? I have to WAIT? Well you can forget that sh**….”
Me: NO DAD!! You have to wait for them to get the notification that you want to be their friend. Some people only get on Facebook once a week or every few days. Nobody stays on there all the time.
Dad: “Well, ________ and ___________ do. All I read is crap from them constantly. Who cares if they’re going to take a shower or where they ate that night? I hate that!! Why do they think people care?”
Y’all, he was fired up. Over Facebook.
Clearly, my Dad is conforming so well to social media. Twitter would absolutely blow his mind, so I won’t even go there. On second thought, maybe I will. THAT could be fun. (*cue evil laugh*)
kimberly t. bowling says
That's hilarious…and so realistic. Having had similar conversations with my Dad over pictures I put of him on "that internet"….when I post endearing photos of he with his grandkids on my blog.
I told him not to worry about it, he didn't even know what "that internet" really was!! 🙂
Diane J. says
That is just too funny! I can barely get my mother to email me. ARGH!
I passed along an award to you on my blog. Thanks for the laughs.
eetomost says
girl, i'm gonna go put your blog on my daily snipit! that is hilarious!
Melissa says
Oh. My. Goodness. Thanks so much for that post, it will keep me laughing the rest of the night!!
Nap Warden says
So funny! Keep us posted on his Twittering;P
Julie L. says
Joanne@ Blessed... says
My first time over…you had me bustin up over here. Too funny!
Yep, your blog is a keeper. :O)
JanMary says
No way am I introducing my parents to Facebook.
They read my blog – so that moderates all my posts!
I teach my mum to text on her phone about every 3 months. Now my 9 year old does the lessons!
TheAngelForever says
LOL – Love it and will be in the same boat with you soon. My mother went for Twitter recently and I had to tutor her with that. She saw it on television over and over and had to try. She talks about Facebook, but not sure when she will get me to help her with that. The scary part, my 80-something year old grandmother wants to do Facebook. Oy!
Big Pissy says
Your dad sounds like a lot of fun! LOL
Hattie says
Too funny! I haven't done the facebook thing yet! yes, I know it's hard to believe. It took me forever to get a myspace page, but it looks like I'll soon have a facebook page. I'm getting sick of people asking why I'm not on there! Darn peer pressure!
Llama Momma says