Last week was a bit of downtime and re-entry for me. The Teen started returning to school after the holidays, so we returned to our old routine. In some ways, I was ready. I’ve found being in a routine makes me so much more productive. However, spending time with my family with no extra obligations is nice, too. So, on Monday, I got up early and got the Teen off to school, and promptly went and got my first haircut of the year. My hair had gotten super long. I don’t think I’ve had a haircut since maybe June. I can’t even remember. But my hair grows really fast. I usually only get two haircuts a year. My style is very basic and has been for years…straight with a side part. I got about four inches cut off, and this was the result. And yes…those are my nerdy reading glasses! Haha!
Back to School
I was asked to return to my old job and help the new librarian with a few things, so I said yes. I miss my students and couldn’t wait to see their sweet faces. So on Tuesday, I headed over to help for a few hours. It was so great to see the kids. They’ve all grown so much! Some were taller than me, but that’s not a stretch considering I’m 4’11”. I also got to visit with some of my wonderful former coworkers. I got to sit behind my old desk again and show the new librarian how to pull reports and work with some circulation software. It felt good to be productive, doing something I was familiar with.
But then. Thennnn. A couple of hours before I was to leave, the overwhelm of it all set in. The buzz of the kids talking…the Smartboard playing preschool music a little too loudly for my taste. The constant glare of the fluorescent lights overhead. It was all too much, and I marveled that I had survived the last five months on the job after my heart attack. It was like a sudden sensory overload. When I came home, hubby picked up the Teen from school, and I went straight to bed for a three-hour nap. I was exhausted. My entire body hurt.
I am very grateful for getting the chance to go back again and visit. The kids are settling in nicely with the new librarian, just as I assured them they would. There were some tears from a few of my kids when I originally left in May, and I truly worried about them. But they are doing great! All smiles. Going back also reassured me that I made the right decision in leaving. I guess, in a way, it has helped me to stop second-guessing things. Leaving was right for me and my health.
Here Begins the Downtime
After Tuesday, it just seemed like my body was in recovery mode for the rest of the week. It just so happened that Hubby got home Monday evening and had the rest of the week off due to it being a very slow time at his work. And honestly, it worked out so well because he just jumped in and allowed me to be. He loves to cook, so almost every evening, he made us some great suppers. I think his chicken stir-fry was my favorite!
He ran the errands, did the school drop-off and pick-up, and he even hung up a vintage mug rack I got on eBay! I promptly hung two of my Shearwater Pottery coffee cups.
We just spent quality time together, which is precious to us because he is away so much. I got to nap more. I’ve finished three books this week. We watched TV. We laughed. It was just so great, which is why I didn’t make but one post last week. However, I tried to keep up with my regular blog reading. I tried to comment on a few Blogger blogs but kept getting errors. So, if some of you get too many comments or no comments from me, that’s why. It may have just been on my iPad, though. I’ll have to check from my computer.
Time for Re-Entry
So, it’s been a bit of downtime and re-entry. The Teen has tomorrow off of school for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I’ll spend the day doing a little tidying up around here. I hope to get a visit from one of my cousins this week. I didn’t get to see her over the holidays and have missed her so much. I’m also expecting a visit from the plumber. We’ve got an issue with our washing machine going on. And maybe I’ll even have time to post more this week! We will see! I hope you all have a great week!
Glad you were able to go back to the library for one last time and it helped you to realize that you made the right decision to leave. Glad you had some time to relax over the week and your husband was there to help you. Hope you are enjoying the rest of your week. Be well.
I’m glad to hear your and your husband were able to enjoy quality time together this week! That’s nice…my husband and I like to do the same. I’m also glad you were able to recover okay from the sensory overload that Tuesday was…my goodness, you had a heart attack? That’s so scary! I love that your man cooks…I am sure you enjoy the blessing that is!
Love the hair…and the nerdy glasses!! They look great! Sometimes you have to go back for a little closure and it sounds like you did just that. Now you can truly settle into a new routine knowing you did the right thing.
Love your hair!!! And good for you for taking the time to rest!!! And for a hubby that helps you do that. Have a cozy week, my friend.
Great haircut and happy that you got to spend some downtime with your hubby!
Sorry that helping out at your old job was so tiring. I hope you have a good week this week!
I just loveeeeeeeee your hair. I got mine cut yesterday and I had her put in more layers (I went to someone different and whom I like very much as she knew what do with my baby fine hair). ANYWAYS–I hope you have a beautiful week, and I am so sorry your job was so overwhelming.
Sounds like you made the correct decision about your job. You always have to think first of your health. So glad you have had some good downtime with your husband. Rest and take care of yourself in the coming week. See you again soon!
I’m glad that you got to go back to school and see how everyone was doing. Perhaps you can volunteer there from time to time.