Is there a self-help group for people who are obsessed with home decorating? If so, point me in the direction and sign me up because Houston, I think we have a problem here. You know when you put a power tool (a sander, to be exact) at the top of your wish list for Christmas, you might be a little “caught up”.
It started so innocently when I ran across the blog Southern Hospitality. This talented woman has a knack for thrift and estate sale shopping like nobody’s business. The way she transforms someone’s cast-offs into a thing of beauty just leaves me in awe. I wish I could do that. I want to do that. She has inspired me. That? Is the mark of a successful blog in my book.
Her links took me to more blogs with equally talented people who are literally transforming their home interiors (and exteriors, too) on a shoestring budget and lots of elbow grease. I’ve attempted in the past to take on some small DIY projects. Although I dont get to do those things nearly as often as I would like, I enjoy them so much and I’ve decided to make a point to take on some more smaller projects using what we have and whatever I can find as innexpensivley as possible, because half the fun of doing these little projects is finding them for free or dirt cheap.
My feedreader is now overflowing with more fantastic blogs that are currently inspiring me to make the space around me as inviting and relaxing as possible, so I thought I’d share with you all these great blogs I’ve recently discovered. Is there one I haven’t listed? If so, please share with me in a comment. There’s always room for more in my reader! Are you working on any projects around your home? I’d love to see them.
Southern Hospitality
A Beach Cottage
Susie Harris (Bienvenue)
Caro’s Thrifty Adventures
Centsational Girl
The Decorated House
Joys of Home
The Lettered Cottage
Me & My House
Our Suburban Cottage
Lettered Cottage says
Thanks for the blog love!
Kevin and Layla
Centsational Girl says
Who me? Awwww, shucks.
stacey says
laughing! i have been on this weird kick too! funny thing is that none of yours are the ones i am reading! i will hook ya up though!
Natalie says
Oh…I could use sites like these right now as we fix up our "new" really old, beatup home.
Keetha says
I'm resolutely refusing to look at those links! Not just yet, anyway.
LOVE the new header. That polka dot shoe is so cute.
JanMary says
You have just increased my home decor section of my blog feeder by 50%!
Great links – I was only familiar with one of them (Beach Cottage).
Off to do some reading.
Thanks (I think!) LOL!