We’ve reached the finish line in the Adaptu Financial Shape-Up Contest and I can’t rave enough about all of the great information and services Adaptu has provided me with on our financial journey. I’ve learned so many great budgeting tips and how to plan for those unexpected bumps in the road when it comes to money and I feel more confident than ever about how our family will go forward in planning for our financial future while living within our monthly budget and paying down debt.
Our goal was to start saving for another great family vacation next year, much like the one we took this summer. I’m happy to report that we have managed to save up a little money even though we’ve had car repair expenses, a change in pay schedule, and expenses that go along with getting our son ready for back to school. It’s not a fortune, but it’s a start. Adaptu has played a major role in helping us get this start.
Along with the posts I have done about Adaptu (which can be found here), I also ran two contests for $50, sponsored by Adaptu. And the winners are…
Kim H. (Comment #14)
Aurie Lae (Comment #3)
Congratulations! I hope you will continue to use Adaptu to help you with all of your financial needs.
If you’re still not convinced you could benefit from using Adaptu, sign up (it’s FREE!) and check out some of the fabulous financial-planning articles on the site. I mentioned in previous posts that budgeting was always difficult for our family because of varying paychecks and the fact that I just couldn’t ever get it right. I’m no longer afraid to sit down and run the numbers because of the great tools Adaptu offers.
I’ve learned more than ever about our finances and I’m so excited I had this opportunity to share my experience here on my blog with Adaptu.
I am participating in a compensated blogger campaign for Adaptu. All opinions are my own.
Thanks again for doing the Adaptu Financial Shape-Up Contest!
Thank you!! I’m really loving Adaptu. I think a program like this is so crucial when trying to really face down a budget and savings plan. Really grateful you introduced me to it!