Good Wednesday to you! It’s time for me to play catch-up on the blog. I meant to post sooner, but life happened, and here we are! Haha! But it’s been a busy past few days, and I’m just now getting to sit down and post.
Checking on “Things”
On Friday, I went to get my first mammogram. The waiting room was very nice!
I had been putting this off because of the “horror stories” I’ve heard, mostly from older female family members. I’m sure they were kidding around, but the idea of putting “the girls” into a vice grip didn’t sound appealing. Haha! However, one of my very best friends from high school was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, and so that lit a fire under my butt. I’m happy to report her cancer is gone, but she is still having to take treatments for the next few months. Anyway, I showed up Friday morning, was called back into the room, and the technician couldn’t have been friendlier. She put my mind at ease and just kept it moving along to where I never felt self-conscious. And the vice grip? NEVER HAPPENED! Haha! It was literally all over in 10 minutes, and I never felt uncomfortable or in pain. I could kick myself for not doing this sooner. I’m praying my results will be all clear!
Home Cooked Meals
Friday night, I made one of my favorite dishes: poppyseed chicken! I haven’t made this in forever, so I dusted off my trusty church cookbook and got to work! I am so thankful our church ladies got together and put all of their recipes into a cookbook. I know whatever I try from this book will be good, and nine times out of ten, I’ve already had some of these dishes at Fifth Sunday meals. Church ladies know how to cook! Haha! Here is the recipe I use:
Here is the result:
I served it with rice and green peas. It made so much that I had enough to share with my mom and plenty left for a meal for hubby and me the next day. It’s good stuff! I’m going to try to put together a list of meals we love, so trying to figure out dinner won’t be so hard. I need to do this. I’m just ready to get serious about streamlining my household duties.
Easter Sunday
I was so sad that I couldn’t go to church on Sunday. My blood sugar ran super low on Saturday and Sunday, and I just woke up feeling rotten. Hubby made it to church, and he and my mom went out to dinner afterward. My mom posted a picture of my cousin and me on Easter many years ago. If I had to guess, I think I’m about 5 in this picture, so this was about 1979. I’m on the left. We were outside my grandmother’s house and had been hunting eggs. My cousin and I are still super close, and I’m so thankful for that!
I haven’t looked at my parents’ old picture albums in years. I hope I can make time to do that this summer! I’ve been visiting the blogs I read regularly and seeing everyone’s beautiful Easter pictures. I have been especially inspired by the beautiful place settings I’ve seen on their kitchen tables. It has inspired me to find some tablecloths and napkins for each holiday to really add something special to our meals.
Spring Color
Spring is really showing out around here, and I couldn’t help but snap a picture of my mama’s beautiful azalea bush! My neighbor down the street has one that is even more gorgeous! It has reds, oranges, and pink all together! I want to get one or two of these to plant on the side of our house.
This Week
The rest of my week should be uneventful. I don’t have any appointments, and hubby may not be home until Thursday, so I’ll keep the laundry going and tidy as needed. I’ll also visit my mama as we are trying to finalize a restaurant to have The Teen’s graduation party. Graduation will be here in 5 1/2 more weeks! Eek!! I am getting so excited!
So, I’ll close this post by telling you to get yourself a mammogram, make you some poppyseed chicken, and stop and smell/admire the beautiful flowers as they pop up!
Good on you for getting a mammogram. It’s always a relief to tick those necessary tests off the list. Phew! I love the photo of you and your cousin, you’re both so cute!
Thank you, Ruth! That’s one of my favorite pics of me and her! And yes, I was so relieved the mammogram was painless and came back ok.
Hello! I am glad you got your mammogram, my friend. And I pray your results are clear. Good for you for going in. It is never something we ladies look forward to, but we are always so happy and relieved when it is over! Thank you for the recipe. I will certainly be keeping that one. And a graduation! How exciting!!!! I absolutely love the old photo you shared. Time does pass quickly. I remember Easter Sundays like that, although I am a bit older than you. It seemed as if it were always nicer and more springlike then, didn’t it? Have a cozy evening, my friend!
Yes, those Easters past just seemed more exciting…the clothes were dressy and families gathered more for egg hunts and Easter Sunday dinner. I’m so thankful for those memories from my childhood! Thanks for the well wishes on the mammogram…all clear! So glad I got that done!
Hi Mandy!
So glad you got your mammo – it’s so important!
That chicken dish sounds so yummy. And the azalea is breathtaking. I can’t wait until flowers start blooming here.
That pic of you and your cousin is precious.
Blessings on your weekend ahead. xo
Thanks, Carrie! Yes, I’m glad I had it done as well! One of the joys of getting older! Haha!
I’m glad you went in for a mammogram and I hope the results will be all clear. My breast cancer was detected during a routine mammogram.
The Easter picture of you and your cousin is super cute!
I am so glad you are doing well now. One of my dearest friends was diagnosed with it last year and it really shook me. She is doing well, but has been through so much!
Oh my goodness, those Easter dresses are just darling! How cute you both were!
Aww, thank you! Gosh, it was so long ago! I miss seeing little girls in frilly little dresses like that! Haha!
I just got a reminder that it is time to schedule. My sister and I always go together and then go out for lunch afterward, makes it more fun!
Sorry you weren’t feeling well on Easter. The old pic is cute!
I’m going to try to talk my best friend into doing this next year! Might as well enjoy the day after that! Haha! Great idea!
My friend too just was diagnosed following a routine mammogram. Caught early the results are promising. Same for another friend’s husband where Colin cancer found through routine colonoscopy. Great reminder that early screening is essential. I’m praying for both that they have long term positive results from their early treatment.
Oh, I pray so too, Sam! I can’t even imagine how scary that is to just go get a routine test and be hit with the news that you have cancer.
I’m glad you got your mammogram. They are very important. I have three friends who have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer that was found with a mammogram.
Isn’t it scary when you hear of it happening to someone you know? I do pray your friends can beat this!