Because we live in a small town, we’re pretty much at the mercy of one cable company and two cell phone companies to meet our communications needs. I’ve thought about switching our cable to satellite, but I don’t want to lose our local programming, so I won’t make the switch. We also get our internet service through our cable company, and since we don’t have a land-line phone in our home (we strictly use cell phones), I have no idea where we would get our internet service from. Not having options is really frustrating, especially for the amount of money we have to pay each month to enjoy these services.
Right after the holidays, programming changes were made to our local cable service that has upset many, many customers. There have been town forums held on this and our city is currently trying to decide whether or not to renew their agreement with the local cable company. Having more options as far as internet and cable packages would be great. We only watch a few channels anyway, so possibly getting new service that would be more economical as well as offering more channels we might enjoy and actually watch is exciting to me. Of course, having our internet service tied in is very important to my family. From reading the newspaper reports about these public forums held recently, I’m not alone in my thinking.
Do you have lots of options where you live? What do you typically pay on a monthly basis for internet and cable? I’d love to hear from my readers to see if what we pay is about right or if we’re overpaying.
We have a few options around here. We currently get internet and cable (w/DVR) from our local cable company. Our bill made my eyes pop out the other day. My husband really got upset that as 12+ years of being loyal our bill kept going up. This anger got worse when he saw the deals being offered to new time customers for $45+ less a month. When he got to the national part of the company they offered us $6 off a month. This made steam come out of my ears. With options, I was ready to leave them for cable. Then my husband pushed more and got to the local billing department. In the end, we are getting something better and paying $45 less a month for a year. In one year we will fight this battle again.